Reaching the Limits

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Author's Note: Hope you are enjoying this book so far (Why do I keep saying this in nearly all my Author's Note in chapters) So Yeah for some reason I am making Notes quite short, I am trying not to forget what I am writing. So Yeah I am trying to stick with this, So Yeah so let's get on with the chapter :)

Pixal POV

After I caused that amazing force on the staff that belonged to the Ice Emperor, I passed out.

I didn't know what was happening but I felt like I have slept for a short time because I was woken by a wet cloth on my head.

I let out a groan, 

"Pixal, are you ok?" Lloyd asked me.

"Uh, yeah," I say as I sit up,

"Are you sure, you kind of went mad, you caused the army of the Ice Emperor to run away because of you" Lloyd say.

"Why I just caused a large amount of force," I say,

"No, not really, you actually burnt part of the Ice Emperor's staff," Lloyd said.

"What?" I exclaim, 

"Yeah he got quite mad, he thinks that you might be powerful," He said.

"Well, I do have this," I say as I held out my hand and flexed my fingers,

He suddenly gets stunned when he sees the small icicles and snowflakes.

"You have the elemental power of Ice, I thought Zane has that" Lloyd complained. 

"Yeah, I guess it has passed on to me, but I wonder why?" I say.

"Maybe because you have half of his heart," He says, I blushed slightly remembering that.

I began to think, 

"I'm going to turn him back," I say suddenly.

"Excuse me?" Lloyd says as he lifts his head up and meets my eyes with devastation.

"I am going to bring Zane back," I say,

"No, no, please he will kill you, you know that" Lloyd complains as he shakes my shoulders.

"I know but, I could tell from his eyes when we first saw each other that he might have known me" I explain.

"Pixal, he is not what you think he is, he is not who you think, he will kill you" Lloyd complains.

"I have to try," I say as I stand up and head to Sorla's hut,

I came in and see her putting more wood into the fire.

"Sorla, I need to talk to you," I say,

"Oh, what is it Pixal," She asks me.

"I need to get to the Ice Emperor's Castle, can you give me some advice?" I say,

"Why? Do you seek to save someone?" She asks me.

"No, but I wish to turn the Ice Emperor back to normal," I say,

"Please I forbite it, he will kill you," She says worryingly.

"It is a risk I am going to take," I say, 

She sighs,

"Very well, If you are attempting to turn the Ice Emperor back to who he really was, you must go through Wogira's Raft. You must be quiet, and then you head North. You might be able to find the Emperor's castle like Lloyd did" Sorla explained.

"Thanks for the advice," I say, I soon head outside,

"Pixal, may I ask you a question?" Sorla asked me.

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