Tackling a Dragon

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Author's Note: Hey Guys I have realised a new book, so yeah have a look at that while you can. This book has 2 chapters left, did you guys know that? So yeah let's first get on with the chapter, wait! One question from our previous chapter: where do you think Pixal was?

Pixal POV

I woke up again in the same place, inside the cave,  

I was so surprised about what I had just watched.

I felt like I had been asleep for a long time, I could see the night sky through the entrance of the cave.

My system was very cold like ice, 

I sigh I wasn't bothered to get up now.

I was so tired, I had to wait until some energy returned to me, 

I have been using it up on the message.

I was quite upset, Lloyd never mentioned it.

Maybe because Zane wasn't ready to tell me or something, 

I soon dozed off again to sleep.

Ice Emperor POV

I am still sitting on a cold chair, I always wonder what the heat feels like.

The Ice Warrior was still making her way to the Castle,

Even when my trusted advisor, Vex keeps sending lots of samurais to stop her.

But she always gets a victory, 

She doesn't look dangerous, she wasn't like Akita decades ago.

She was quite calm and she just does training every time she stops on the way.

I feel like I am being attracted to her, 

Oh come, oh, you are the Emperor.

You don't need an Empress by your side!

Vex always seemed very mad every time he brings new up about this mysterious warrior, I have a strange feeling that he is telling lies.

One day when Vex was away from the shard of Ice I decided to take it and just have a look,

"Show me the Ice Warrior," I say, and then I see her.

She was on the snowy floor sleeping, 

She looked very cold, she was sleeping without a blanket.

I placed the shard of ice down and sat back down on my chair,

I closed my eyes and went to sleep.

I literally go to sleep every now and then when I have got nothing to do,

I dreamed of what I saw in the shard of ice.

I was sitting near her, she was sleeping silently and wasn't moving a muscle.

She also looks cold and calm,

Without even thinking I ran my fingers through her hair, it was so silky.

It was unlike anything I have ever touched in this realm, 

I continue to run my fingers through it.

A smile appeared on her face,

"Zane" She purrs,

I got kind of mad.

But I hide it,

She suddenly grabs my hand which causes me to flinch,

I was quite surprised by what she did next.

She brought my hand to her lips and kissed it lightly, I went a bit red.

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