Suddenly, she gets up on the couch and leaves. It took me a minute to realize what she had done, so I immediately ran through the door to chase her.

But as soon as I open it, A Cate Blanchett smiles widely at me. "Hi," She even said while waving her hands.

I immediately hug her as a response, "Why the fuck did you do that? I thought I'd said something offending. You fucking scared me!"

"I know. I'm just giving one of your examples of what you think you imagined to happen. Now you know it's not a dream anymore." Cate said while she rubbed her hands on my back, and I felt Cate kiss me on top of my head.

"You're cruel. I don't like this kind of example." I said as I released myself from hers so she could get in again.

Laughing, "Do you believe now? Or you're gonna cry again like what you did a while ago?"

"Fuck off, you made me confess. It's your fault." I said, elbowing her.

"Then I'm sorry for making you cry because you love me so much, my love." Cate said with a smirk on her face as we sat back on the couch.

I hit her arm but not hard, "Stop that!"

"What?!" She said, hitting me back.

We're pretty violent to each other. How amazing is that.

"I'm still not used to it."

"Which part? That you love me so much or because I called you... my love?" She says, still teasing me.

"...Both," I said, smiling a little.

"Well, you should get used to it. You're going to hear that a lot of times... My love"

Both of us chuckled. It really sounds new to me.

After that, we're both in silence. Not sure who's going to talk or say something to kill the silence.

So, I did.

I ask her, "How come--How come you're calm with this? In handling this?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"I don't know. It's just a lot to take in for me, I mean--I don't know." I sigh, "I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry? If you feel that way, It's fine. It's okay. It's nothing wrong about it. I know this is overwhelming to you, and I understand that. You can talk to me."

"It's just, I feel that everything is fast. Like It's--it's illegal or--or wrong but also not. I'm worried that, I don't know, that maybe now, I'm happy. Then suddenly, something will take that back or--or you. This felt like the books I'm reading. A fictional situation, fictional moment." I sigh deeply this time, "Is wanting you really not a good idea?"

I saw her face become softer. Her eyes stare through my soul like she's saying thousands of words to me. Then Cate hugged me, maybe a little tighter than I was expecting.

"You worry too much, Darling." She sighs behind my ears. "Believe it or not, I know what you mean. I know what your feeling."

"Really? you do?" I said, pulling away from the hug to see her.

Cate nodded, "Uhuh, that feeling that you don't deserve it? You doubt whether you're happy because of the things we do together or because we are together?"

"Yeah, That's... that's exactly what I feel. Maybe I'm just anxious about it."

She cupped my cheeks gently, "I could assure you, My love, this was meant to happen. I'm happy both the shitty things that we do and especially when I'm with you," Cate says while looking at me intently "... So, if you're telling me that wanting me is a bad idea, then I like bad ideas. Clearly, because I also want you too." She said with her assuring smile. "... and I guarantee you that those fiction books you've read aren't going to top what we have. We're going to have our own story. The one that you have never read before, but rather, you're going to feel it this time." She said, sounding like she's very determined to happen.

I smiled. Feeling like my worries are finally leaving me, "I think I love that, but is it never ending one? Because I prefer those things."

She nodded, "Yes, I promise you that. A whole ass book with a never-ending story. Only for us."

"On what genre do you think we are? You're a witch, so maybe a fairy tale?"

"What?! because I'm old and ugly?!" She said, sounding like I offended her.

"NO! none of that! I just thought of Florence because she's a gorgeous witch."

"Y/n, who the heck is Florence?" frowning her forehead.

confused, "Mrs. Zimmermann?"

"Oh, right! I thought you were making me jealous again."

I scoff, "You did? With who?" I said with a smirk.

"Your baby and your date," She said, rolling her eyes.

Oh, God. I forgot she still doesn't know it's her daughter, Edith.

I laugh, "I didn't know you're capable of being jealous. Is that the other reason why you were here last night? They are literally my friends, Cate."

"Well, you dump me for your date because you keep avoiding me."

"For the second time, she's not my date. But I think It worked out for you because I just confessed a while ago."

"You can't resist my charm, that's why." Cate proudly smirks.

I scoff, "It's really unfair. You know your effect on me. You're literally a witch." I crossed my arms.

She laughs, "My spell probably worked out. I made you fall in love with me using only my smile and beauty!"

Giggling, "But, you're a fool because you also fell on one of your experiments... or should I say fans."

"Well, I don't regret being a fool for you." She said, looking at me, "We're both a fool for falling to each other, you know? It might sound silly and crazy, but it's a perfect match, don't you think?" She continued as she gave me her genuine smile.

God, she thinks we're a perfect match. Like fucking perfect for each other.

How can I not adore her for that?


Not really my plan to publish this today, but I love you guys:)

Btw, we have 3 thousand reads already?!?! I don't think I can get over with this, really. Thank you all so much, especially those who have been reading this since day 1! YOU ALL ARE THE BEST!

And can you tell me if the flow of their story is too slow or it's going too fast? Or it's just enough?

I hope you had fun reading. See you on the next one!<3

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