Chapter 33: Wounded-man

Start from the beginning

A man turned towards clique-man and grabbed her by the collar.

"This is all your fault-man!"
Somehow this random man knew who the real trigger for their expedition was.

"Random-man must have told him"
Clique-man thought.
She looked towards Random-man, seeking for help, but he turned away.

Her face turned white.

Did they really turn against her?
Random-man must feel the same as them.

Why did she even want to come here?

She left smart-man back then, but something within her still felt the need to help him.

When she heard what he was about to do she just had to do something.

But why?

He was just some man. Not worth thinking about. There are far too many reasons not to care about that man, but she just couldn't stop herself from trying to help him when she heard that he needed it.

"Am I..."
She silently realized her true feelings.

But her skin turned even paler as she remembered the woman. The woman she saw standing next to him at the bar.


She had already lost him.

Maybe it would be better if this man just killed her right now.

A tear ran down her cheek as she wished to swiftly be taken away.

"Let go-man of her!"
Someone intervened and Clique-man was released from that man's grasp.

"Are you okay-man?"
It was I-don't-know-man!

She came to her rescue.

Despite that, Clique-man still looked dejected.
She was genuinely grateful, but to I-don't-know-man it didn't sound like that at all.

"What's wrong-man?"
She asked but received no reply.

Clique-man simply accepted her role as everyone's punching bag.

But I-don't-know-man wouldn't have any of it.

"Yo, you can't go around grabbing men's collar-men! Those are sensitive-man... I think!"
She argued.

The man was frustrated at I-don't-know-man for not taking his side.
"It's because of her that so many of us-men died-man. Don't you see-man?"

I-don't-know-man looked at Clique-man, then back to the other man and boldly replied.

She said.

Some of the mens mouths were agape in shock to her reply.

He tried to reason with her.
"Now, missy-man look-man, here.."

"NO! You look-man here, missy-man!"
I-don't-know-man interrupted.

"We all-man came here out of our own free-man will-men. We all-man wanted to help-man smart-man and idiot-man.
Now they are here-man.

So what-man?

Why are we just standing-man here?! LET'S HELP THEM!"
She argued.

No one could talk back at her.
It was the truth.

The men felt so powerless and they needed someone to blame for the death of their non-mention worthy friends.

These men have no need to be mentioned as in the grand scheme of things, their lives were not important enough for me to narrate about them.

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