I giggle as he sets me down, "I missed you too. What did you two want to do?"

He wriggles his eyebrows, "Why, jump your bones of course."

Gabriel plucks me from Luke, pulling me into his firm chest. I inhale deeply at his new scent of smoked honey, releasing a deep moan. Flushing bright red, I smile embarrassingly at him. "Sorry, but you smell so damn good."

A cocky smile corrupts his beautiful face, and his eyes darken into what I can only deem a ravenous hunger. Gabriel's hold on me becomes a firm grip, hugging me tightly to his body. My eyes don't stray from his sinful gaze; a fire ignites deep in my core, begging for his desire to fan my flames. I lick my lips in anticipation and he watches with amusement. His face inches closer to mine and my breathing becomes deep and ragged. Just when I expect his mouth to land on mine, he turns his head and licks my cheek.

"Mine," he claims.

I grip onto him desperately. "Meanie!" I wail.

He laughs melodically, a rich baritone. "As much as I want to devour every inch of you right now while Luke watches," I look back at the blond model catching his mischievous smile, "we wanted to talk to you about something."

Glancing between the two, I try and decipher the situation. I also want Gabriel to take me right here on the carpeted floor, but the two seem serious about their conversation. I smile and move to their couch, sinking into the plush cushions, "Okay."

They flank my either side on the couch. Sitting close, but not quite touching me. I bounce my attention between the two, waiting for someone to say something. It's quiet for a moment, the two nonverbally conversing with their eyes, before they settle on their decision.

"Cupcake," Luke starts. "You're comfortable with Raven and Corey's relationship, right?"

And Owen and Sean's. I nod, unsure of what his point is.

Gabriel shifts uncomfortably next to me. I grab his hand in comfort but still acknowledge Luke. He makes a face, as if unsure of what to say. "Is everything okay?" I ask.

"Gabriel and I are struggling."

I look at him confused, "With Raven and Corey's relationship?"

"No, with ours."

"What's wrong with our relationship?"

"Nothing!" He palms his face, "I'm only making this worse. Let me explain."

"Luke and I are interested in exploring our sexualities," Gabriel interrupts. "Before we met you, Sang, we had been damn close to becoming more than friends."

"As Gabriel said, we want to try something new. He's damn attractive, and I want him."

"And what do you want from me in this situation? I'm more than comfortable with you two leading whatever relationship with each other that you desire, as long as I'm still a part of it." I smile at Luke and Gabriel; pulling Gabriel's hand to my mouth, I kiss it.

"That's all we ask for, Cupcake. We want you to be in the loop. For now, I think we're both only looking to satisfy our sexual desires, but maybe it turns into something more. We want you every step of the way."

"I'm happy that you told me. Will the others be aware, or would you like to keep it private?"

"It won't be a secret, but we don't need to go announcing it to the fuckers," Gabriel comments.

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