Without really noticing it tears cascade down your cheeks, falling into the blond strands of Mikey's hair.

"I know you're suffering and you think this is the best way. But isolating yourself isn't the right way to go."

He struggles against your grip "As if you know what I'm feeling-" And you shut him up quicker than your brain can recognize.

"I know because I've tried!" With another deep breath you begin to explain it to him once more.

"Ever since I've learned about my death I've tried to find a way to live. And I've isolated myself to a point where the sheer loneliness killed me in the future."

You don't even know what overcomes you when you begin to tighten your grip on the boy, but whatever it is comes from deep within you. A part of you that you never needed to let out.

"You're being selfish and cruel to the people around you. You're acting like a spoiled brat that was never told 'no' and you're especially ignorant to what's happening to those affected." A sort of motherly or older sister like persona that you've only really needed during your time in the orphanage.

"Stop being a little bitch and behave your age will you! You're a kid and you're supposed to have fun fooling around with your friends, not kill and beat each other up! You're being insufferable. What would your family think?! Would they really like to see you in this state? Would they encourage you? Obviously not! You have people desperately wanting to be by your side to aid you in these dark times and here you are pushing them away!"

The silence is heavy and you can barely contain yourself at this point. With everything going on right now you can't help but be frustrated and angry. At Mikey, at Rindou and Ran and even at yourself. You're angry, and sad, and extremely frustrated.

"Give them a chance. Give Takemichi a chance. Give your friends a chance to change this for the better. Please."

And you're just so desperate.

"Please give Rindou and Ran back to me. . .I don't want to die."

A loud sob escapes your lips and before you know it the tears have double in size and amount, wetting your cheeks and Mikey's hair.

"I want to live but I can't do that without them. I can't live if they're not by my side."

Looking up you see Takemichi crying alongside you, his tears falling down his chin and landing on Mikey's shirt.

"I hate that I'm dependent and I hate that I can't do it by myself. But I also don't want to die. So I need them back!"

"[F/N]-san. . ."

You try to breath and collect yourself, but your sobbing doesn't cease no matter what you do.

Beneath you Mikey has stopped struggling, not moving any longer and not trying to escape your and Takemichi's cage any longer.

"You and I are so similar Mikey. It's almost hard to look at you and not see myself in your eyes."

Letting your head fall to the ground you loosen your grip on Mikey just a little and even though he could just get out of your grasp and throw Takemichi off, he doesn't. He stays still, letting his head rest on your chest while looking up at Takemichi, who's still silently letting tears cascade down his face.

"I just want the nightmare to stop. So please, at least let me have Rindou and Ran back."

Your arms fall flat next to you and you close your eyes to stop the tears, of course unsuccessfully. You feel Mikey shift on top of you, shoving Takemichi to the side and getting off of you.

Opening your eyes you see the blond kneeling before you. With the little strength you have left you push yourself up, sitting on the dirty ground with your legs in a criss cross. Frowning you look at Mikey, waiting for something to happen, waiting for him to do anything.

But he doesn't move and doesn't speak. You don't get a vision of suddenly being attacked and neither do you suddenly feel a fist connect to your face.

"What. . ."

With your sleeves you wipe away the tears and snot, swiping the hair away from your face right after.

"You're gonna say something or should I leave?"

You move to stand up after a few seconds when Mikey continues to stay quiet but a hand on your wrist stops you from leaving. Looking down you see Mikey holding onto you, his head down and his hair disheveled.

You hear a mumble from his lips, but his voice is too quiet "What? Speak up if you want people to hear you. I've had enough of this."

"I'm sorry."

Shocked wouldn't even be able to begin to describe the emotion you're feeling.

Mikey's voice is so quiet and so fragile you almost don't believe for the words to come from him. But looking over to Takemichi only proves it as the fake blond has a similar expression as you. Shocked and utterly confused.

"I haven't thought about what my actions do to innocent bystanders."

You try to break free from Mikey's grip, his sudden change in demeanor freaking you out.

"I don't know what my family would think. My brother's dead, my sister got killed and my parents aren't here any longer either."

With the way his voice shakes you can almost tell that Mikey is about to break. About to reach his limit.

"You're right. I want to die. But I also want to keep living."

Crouching down you move the hair out of his face, looking into his glossy eyes. He doesn't look back, instead he stares at the ground or where his hand encircles your wrist.

"I also want the nightmares to stop. But this is the only way for me. This is my path."

Reaching out you first remove his hand from your wrist before falling to your knees and holding the back of his head with your left.

"The only times my mind isn't occupied with death is when I'm hurting people."

You push his head into the crook of your neck, wrapping your other arm around his back. You feel his body shake against yours and his uneven breath on your skin. With a quick side eye directed at Takemichi the boy rushes over and kneels behind Mikey, wrapping his arms around the boys back while laying his head over his spine. Takemichi calls out Mikey's name and in a matter of seconds he begins to cry.

His tears soak into your clothes and his hands grip at the fabric but you don't dare let go now. You simply stroke your left hand through his hair, shutting your eyes to relish in the moment.

The invincible Mikey isn't so invincible after all.

Despite crying being usually associated with sadness, the sobs that wreck Mikey's body bring a smile to your face. You smile knowing that for the first time he's let himself fall like this. And you catch him, carrying him like the bigger sister you never were.

"Please Mikey. I want to help you."

Takemichi also cries along with him, clinging onto the smaller boy like his life depends on it. "Let me." Mikey doesn't respond but you're pretty sure that words aren't needed anymore.

It takes forever before Mikey is ready to be released, but once you've all collected yourself he wiggled out of your and Takemichi's grip, calling off the fight and declaring Tokyo Manji Gang as the winner of today's battle.

"I can't possible say I've won like this."

Is what he said, his eyes never leaving the ground. Be it out of shame or out of fear you'll never know. You've left Mikey with Takemichi, knowing that he'll be taken care of surrounded by Toman.

Your objective now is to get the brothers, seeing as the fight has ended and everyone will leavesoon.

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