Chapter 1

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Trisha's POV

I just got home from school and I'm exhausted as f$#k because me and my friends hung out and played soccer. Damn! I remember we have homework. Nah screw I'll do it tomorrow morning. Its 3:40 pm and I have to do my workout at 5. "Better get some rest for a moment now" I sighed.
The next morning.
As usual I'm early again at school I like being early because then I'll have time to play soccer. While playing I saw mark coming and then we waited for kolten for 5 mins.
"Omg guys did you guys hear about the news?!" Kolten asked freaking out like a little girl. "Umm no I don't really watch news now boring."I said loud. " same"markie said.
"Its about a crazy guy tryna bite a woman at a store." Kolten explained. "Its probably want to you know do it with her" I said with a smirk on my face. "Shut up Trish" kolten chuckled.
After about 10 mins the bell rang.
Our teacher was doing the attendance they called me,kolten,mark,cen and we all said here. "Adam?" The teacher asked looking at the crowd. "Here!" Spaven yelled from the cloack room. "Neha?" The teacher asked again. "Not here. Shes always late" I said.
After a couple of mins neha comes.
After school we have practice for soccer.
We're at the cloack room changing into our soccer gear when Adam pushed neha. "Hey what a jerk" said neha and slapped Adam at the back. "Hey!" Said Adam and they kept on fighting. We all laughed. Kolten and I were on the floor laughing like little kids. "Neha is a bacon!" Cen yelled. Awkward silence comes in. We all burst out of laughing. After that we headed outside. We played king of the court and there's only 3 people left me,kolten and neha. "Let's go Trisha!" Screamed Rachel. "Please do not touch my ball" I said laughing. Kolten charged at me. "Don't kill my baby!" I said trying to protect my ball. Kolten went for neha and got hers out it was my chance to take his out and I won. After practice we all decided to come at Ce'nedra's house. " Yoh you guys what you wanna do?" I asked. "Umm what about hide and seek?" I suggested. "Yeah that's sounds cool to me" cen said. " who's gonna be it then?"Adam asked. We all looked at each other and said "Mark is it!!". " what?! why?!" Mark confusingly asked. "No questions!" Kolten said. "You have to count 20 seconds ok?" Cen said then we all ran away.Neha almost trip and we all trying not to laugh or else he'll caught us.

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