Chapter 3

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Today they were out on a date after being forced by their families to go on one to get closer to each other before their marriage.

"So.. Did you tell them?", Naruto asked, sipping at his drink.

They were at a cafe in a mall -afrer watching a movie- seated at a corner seat next to the window.

Sasuke, who was seated in front of Naruto sipped at his own drink, "Not yet.. You?"

"Nope...", Naruto slowly looked up at Sasuke.

Sasuke following suit, looked right back at Naruto.

They were trying not to panic and tried to ignore the issue until Naruto decided to bring it up.

"How should we tell them..?", Naruto asked again after a while.

"...I don't know", Sasuke reply after a good long pause.

Naruto took a deep breath and let it out, " know, Sasuke, why not just tell them you don't like me..?"

"...won't you tell them you don't like me instead..?", Sasuke tried to find an escape.

"But I do like you, I have no reason  to say I don't wanna marry you", Naruto admitted in all seriousness.

"But I can't say that I don't like you,  cause I do like you", Sasuke too said in all seriousness.

"Sasuke you don't swing this way, all you gotta do is tell them you don't swing this way...", Naruto said in a monotone.

"...They'll get me to marry a girl if I do that, I'd rather marry you than some girl I'm not even comfortable with", Sasuke said desperately, giving a full-on pitiful puppy eyed look.

"Sasuke, I can't marry you when I know you don't like me in that way, especially when there's a good chance of you finding someone that you'll actually want to be with", Naruto said with a sigh trying to be as logicaly as can be and trying to push away thoughts of how cute Sasuke looked just now.

"I don't know about that, I doubt I'll ever find someone I'd want to be with in that way... That's why you should just tell them that you can't marry me, since it'd just be bothersome for you to marry me when I don't even swing that way...", Sasuke again tried to find an escape, relentlessly unwilling to be the one to tell their parents the truth of their issue.

"Bothersome, you say... You know what! Marry me! Just marry me I tell ya'! If you regret it later you can always divorce me!!!", Naruto too wanted an escape from confronting their parents.

"That's right you can divorce me later..!", Sasuke said cheerfully finally finding an escape.

".. I mean, You'll be bringing up the divorce, right?", Naruto questioned curiously.

".. No, I mean, you will, right?" Sasuke tilted his head innocently.

"let's just get married and talk about divorce later", Naruto decided to evade the issue.

"agreed", Sasuke happily obliged.

And soon after they got engaged, and planned to hold a formal wedding ceremony after a few months.

They cut off their only way of backing out of this with their own two hands.

Well since I get to marry Sasuke it's not all bad I guess, even though he doesn't like me in that way he does still like me so maybe I might have hit a jackpot. Maybe..

Naruto tried to convince himself that it'll be okay cause in a way he is lucky to marry someone as amazing as Sasuke, even though Sasuke can be a stubborn mule and can be more childish than he seems, this side of him is kinda cute too so it'll somehow workout, right..?

Naruto treats me well and doesn't make me uncomfortable like those girls who were into me so it's okay to marry him, right..? He said that he liked me too and he seems okay with it...

Sasuke too anxiously tried to make himself believe that it was going to be alright.

But really, they were both as anxious and panicked as one can be.

Even so neither of them were ready to call off their marriage.

They were already engaged too so there was no escaping it - was what they told themselves.

It wasn't until Itachi worriedly and confusedly asked his brother if he really was okay with marrying Naruto even though he's not into guys that Sasuke finally panicked for real and immediately called Naruto over to panic along with him.

Itachi could only faceplam at their stupidity cause really he didn't expect Naruto to already know Sasuke doesn't actually swing that way, and even after knowing everything still go ahead with the marriage, just cause neither of them wanted to bring up Sasuke's actual sexuality to call it off.

How stupid can one be? Make that two.. No wonder they get along so well they're both equally stupid.

Itachi smiled widely but the smile somehow didn't reach his eyes, "You're both on your own, you idiots, you both brought it upon yourself all the while knowing everything, how idiotic can you both be?!!"

"But Nii-san, they won't let me not marry if they know I'm straight, so I can't tell them I'm not into guys..!", Sasuke defended himself desperately.

"You could just tell them you're asexual and you probably are", Itachi deadpanned.

Naruto gasped as if to say 'Ohmagosh that totally makes sense'.

Sasuke, on the other hand, blinked and asked cluelessly, "What's asexual..?"

Itachi faceplamed, "Google it"

Naruto sweatdroped as he watched Sasuke take out his phone to google it.

And a good few minutes later, Sasuke eyes went wide and he exclaimed, "Ohmagosh I'm asexual..!"

"damn right you are", Itachi deadpanned.

"should've guessed", Naruto sweat dropped.

"So, now what do we do..?", Sasuke questioned blankly.

"we won't be doing nothing, you will be be the one doing something, go 'n come out to them as asexual at least now", Itachi said sternly.

"but I'm already engaged now", Sasuke gave him a pitiful look.

Itachi didn't even flinch and full on glared, "lil bro, really now..?"

Sasuke gulped and looked away guiltily.

"Um..." , Naruto meekly raised his hand to intervene, "I've never been all that much into sexual things so honestly I don't mind being married to someone asexual, I was only worried at first cause I thought he was straight and marrying me might only end up hindering him in the long run... ", he said hesitatantly.

"you'll forever be a virgin with this guy, you sure about that..?", Itachi asked worriedly, and a little too direct.

"before coming out to my parents I honestly expected to die single so really it's good that at least I won't be dying alone", Naruto said with a sheepish grin.

Before Itachi could say anything Sasuke excitedly intervened, "Me too..! I was totally ready to be single forever and die alone", Sasuke chuckled. Happy to have found a comrade.

Itachi sighed, giving in, "You know what, you're both made for each other, just get married"

Naruto and Sasuke looked at each other and burst into laughter.

And after having this hearty conversation, they weren't anxious to get married anymore.

It was like being married to your best friend. They couldn't have been happier about it.

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