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"Master Jim, you must listen to me very carefully. They've captured me and you to come to the bridge... alone. Don't come! It's a trap!" Blinky says on the voice mail,

"Give me that! It appears things have grown awkward, Mr.lake." Strickler... "Meet me in the alley beside the theater if you ever want to see your friend again."

"Don't open the Bridge!" Blink yells, "Under no circumstan–" And then the line cuts off. I look at Toby and sigh.

"I've listened to it a hundred times now, and I still don't know what to do,"

"You don't have to do this alone. You've got Aaarrrgghh, Draal, me!" Toby exclaims,

"Yeah, but they said I had to be alone. If I'm not, what do you think they'll do to Blinky?"

"Blinky made it clear, under no circumstances."

"Enough friends have gotten hurt because of me, I-- can't. No more." I sigh.

"Well, it's your call. You're the Trollhunter." Toby gives me my amulet, "Here. I picked it up in the woods after they dragged you away." I take the amulet and then looking back at Tobes,

"I thought since we found it together, we'd always be in this together."

"Hello, Toby." My mom comes in, checking us both,

"Hey, Dr. Lake! I was just leaving, he's all yours!" Toby exclaims, "Can you believe it? Coyotes!" Tobes says as he leaves, my mom then closes the curtains leaving it just me and my mother. She takes a seat beside my bed,

"You got good friends. One even stayed by your side all night." I chuckle a bit,

"Yeah, there's really no one like Toby."

"Actually, it was Y/N." W-What.

"R-Really?" I mutter, Y/N stayed by my side? All night?

Y/N's POV:

I bounce my leg as I sit beside Claire waiting for Jim, for him to be talking to his mom.

"Hey it's okay, he's alright," Claire puts her hand on my shoulder, smiling. I sigh,

"I know, but with all that just happened I'm still processing things..." Ms. Lake then comes out from the curtains and gives us a small smile. I look into the small compartment where Jim is, and see him frowning.

"Go in there," Claire says as she stands up, "I'll head home and get things ready. You both still have that play to do tonight." Claire winks. Right the play! I forgot about that! I chuckle a bit,

"Yeah, I kinda forgot about that," I say smiling. As Claire leaves, I enter the room, "Hey," I give a warm smile to the boy,

"Hey," Jim smiles back. I sit down next to the bed,

"Uhm, so did you tell her?" I ask,

"I- No... I can't... I'm sorry Y/N, but this all has to be a secret, no one can know what happened last night, not even our own parents..." Jim sighs as he looks down, I grab the boy's hand for comfort.

"Hey, it's alright Jim, I understand." Jim looks up at me and smiles.

"Thank you," Jim says as he squeezes my hand a bit, I chuckle for a bit, for then silence came along after again until Jim spoke,

"So, I heard you stayed here all night," Jim smirks as redness came over my face,

"I-I, Well, you know, just in case... I thought you just needed some company..." Oh, my gosh, did his mom tell him that!? Jim chuckles,

MY TROLLHUNTER  ||  Jim x ReaderWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt