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Y/N's POV:

I wait outside of Claire's house...

"Dang, and here I thought I was going to be late... Where is that girl?" I mutter, standing by my bike. I then hear the door open.

"Sorry Y/N! I had to take care of Enrique, he's been acting so strange! So i've been trying to find Suzy Snooze, but I can’t find her!" Claire exclaims as she rushes to get her bike. I tilt my head in confusion.

"And I mean I can't find her anywhere! So Enrique isn't very happy at the moment." Claire sighs, I walk over to her and put my hand on her shoulder.

"Clam down Claire, I'm sure it's just somewhere in the house. Your parents will find a way to calm down Enrique." I give the girl a comforting smile. Claire takes a deep breath and sighs,

"You're right. Thanks." She smiles, I nod and walk back over to my bike.

"Don't worry about it! But we should be really heading to school now. Don't wanna be late," I chuckle, Claire nods and we ride our bikes to school.


"Only 10 minutes to spare!" Claire exclaims, and I chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess we weren't going to be as late as I thought we were," I say. We both walk to our lockers to get our books for our class. I then spot Jim and Toby by the bike rack. As I was about to wave, I saw Jim holding a stuffed bunny.

I tap Claire's shoulder, "Uhm, Claire- isn't that Suzy?" I point out to Jim. Claire turns around and gasps.

"It is!" Claire then walks towards the two boys, and I follow.

"You have Suzy Snooze!?" Claire exclaims, Jim looks down at the stuffed bunny, "That's my brother's bunny! I've been looking all over for him!"

"You've been looking for this?" Jim says confused. I tilt my head, Toby then comes and stands beside me.

"Yeah, he's been acting so weird without it. Where'd you get it?" Claire asks.

"What do you mean, he hasn't been himself? Exactly how has he been acting?" Jim says. Okay... this is weird... Toby then comes to Jim and puts his arm around the boy.

"Easy, Jim!" Toby nervously chuckles while I raise an eyebrow. "Always concerned about the children! But just for clarification, are we super sure this is his?" Toby then looks at Claire and points at the bunny.

"I mean you could probably pick this up at, like any store," Toby adds.

"I think I'd know the stuffed bunny I grew up with," Claire says. I then see Mary come up to Claire.

"Claire, I'm so sorry, but I can't babysit tonight! I can't! I really can't!" Mary exclaims.

"You promised!" Claire says, "My parents have a work thing tonight and Papa Skull concerts tonight! And I'm going with Y/N! Papa Skull Mary!" Claire exclaims as she grabs my hand.

"And I, like, live in their shirt every day!" Claire adds.

"I'm sorry! But Dean finally asked me to a movie, and then Hank invited me to ice cream!" Mary says happily. "Tight jeans Hank!" I raise my eyebrows at Mary. No offense Mar, but like one at a time, please... Jim and Toby then start to mutter about something.

"Claire! I can babysit!" Jim exclaims offering. We all then turn to look at Jim.

"Tonight! Really? You would? Wait, have you ever babysat before?" I then look at Jim, and Jim glances towards me and then looks at Claire.

"Uh, Yeah!" Jim chuckles nervously. "Yeah, no. They call me 'Jim the Baby-handed'" I chuckle and Jim looks at me and smiles.

"Oh, my gosh! You're a life-saver Jim! Thank you!" Claire exclaims. "Just come by my house at seven, no sooner," Claire says while pulling along my arm. I wave back at Jim smiling. "Thank you, Jim, Thank you!" Claire says.

MY TROLLHUNTER  ||  Jim x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now