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"I know contemporary media might lead you to believe European history is full of swords, sorcery, and scandal. But I assure you, the truth is far more interesting." The pretty lady says in front of the museum. She was wearing a long purple dress and had short, shiny, black hair.

" And there's no better place to start than Renaissance Era pottery." Everyone then groans in boredom. Jeez, as much as I like field trips. This is one boring field trip.

" Since we have limited time, Ms. Momura," Strickler interrupts. "Perhaps it's best if they explore the museum on their own, don't you think?" Every one of us then rushes inside to go explore the 'wonders' of history.

"You know, it's actually not that bad in here," I say smiling while walking next to Claire. She nods in response.

"Agreed. Hey, why not we go look at the dresses? I bet we can get a visual for your dress for the play!" Claire says.

"Oh my gosh, yes!' I say in excitement. We both then rush towards the historical dresses part.


"Oh wow look at this one Claire!" I say in awe, as I point out, the dress that's in the glass.

"Wow, it's beautiful!" Claire says admiring the dress. "We should totally make one for the play, that's similar to this! Jim would be in awe, once he sees you in a beautiful dress." Claire smirks. I blush in embarrassment, covering the girl's mouth quickly.

"Claire! Quiet!" I look around. I then remove her hand.

"What, just speaking out the facts," Claire shrugs. I then see Steve coming up towards me.

"Oh boy here we go." I roll my eyes, crossing my arms. Claire tilts her head in confusion. "Look behind you." I point. Claire looks behind her and see's, Steve. She then turns towards me and slaps her head lightly.

"Hey ladies~," Steve says 'cooly'. I scoff.

"Steve," I say.

"Hey Steve," Claire says clearly, also annoyed.

"Let's just act like he's not here," Claire whispers. I nod. I then look at the dress once again.

"Look at that embroidery," I say, admiring the dress. Steve then comes to my side, and leans against the glass, looking toward me.

"Hey, sorry if you got caught up in that little tiff between Lake and I-" Steve says. I can hear Claire holding in her laugh. "But I want you to know, since joining the play, I feel like there's another side of me that really wants to come out." Is this guy for real?

"Steve, you pushed me into the lockers."

"And I'm sorry."

"And got me hurt." I narrow my eyes.

"And, sorry for that too." I sigh, fine.

"You know what. Apology accepted. You were a jerk." I say while looking back at the glass. Then Claire comes closer beside me holding onto one of my shoulders, holding in her laugh that she couldn't contain.

Jim's POV:

As I and Tobes were walking up on the second floor, talking about his chubby tracker, I spotted Claire, Y/N, and Steve? I scoff, looking at Steve talking his way into Y/N. I then see Steve looking at me. I narrow my eyes.

Steve then makes kissing noises while hugging himself, making it look like he was making out with someone. And I knew what he was trying to do to me. I sigh and put my head against the railing.

"Aw, come on, man. Don't let Steve get to you." Toby says, trying to cheer me up. "Y/N's a smart girl. She knows Steve's a big jerk anyways, he pushed her into the lockers." I look up at him.

MY TROLLHUNTER  ||  Jim x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant