Chapter Three: This party might not be so bad...

Start from the beginning

I pulled back. "Thanks, Honey-chan. Shouldn't you get back to your customer's, though?" He looked confused for a second, before realization spread through his face.

He turned back to the girls at his table, with a sad face and tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry! I've been rather mean to you ladies without realising! I'm sorry if I've upset you.." His lips quivered as he apologized. The girl's eyes immediately softened.

"It's okay, Honey-senpai, you did nothing wrong! You guys were so adorable!" They gushed, surprising me and him. Mori looked between me and Honey with a small smile on his face.

I blushed, hiding my face with my hair, "Would anyone like a snack?"


I had to admit, this party really wasn't all that bad so far. I haven't danced yet, since I only just learned. I hate to admit that I was, in fact, blushing the entire time, because of how close we were when Honey was teaching me. But, thankfully he didn't seem to notice.

I was watching girls dance with some of the hosts, knowing that Haruhi was taken somewhere else to participate in some kind of wierd plan to make a princess happy. I'm glad she's trying to make others lives better, though. A sad smile came onto my face, as I thought about my old life, and how much I miss everyone. I hate that I was so useless when my family was in trouble!

I tried not to cry, not in front of all these people.

Honey approached me, a sad look on his face, as he looked at my watery eyes. "Ko-chan, what's wrong?"He asked me sweetly.

A tear slid down my cheek as I remembered how my dad used to ask me the exact same thing whenever I was upset.

I quickly wiped it off, and smiled at him. "Nothing's wrong, Honey-chan. You don't need to worry." I lied, keeping the facade up, despite the fact that it was getting harder to hold the tears in.

His expression didn't change, and he frowned, taking my hand, and leading me into the crowd.

He pulled me to him, wrapping his arms around my waist, and pulling me toward him. I put my hands around his neck, and my face into his shoulder, to make it so that it seemed like we were just dancing, but I knew that he was trying to make me feel better.

"You know, you can trust me. I'll always be here for you if you need me. It's okay to cry." Honey said, his voice getting slightly lower, and pulling me closer as we swayed to the gentle music. He was right, if I needed to, it was okay to cry right now, because it will only seem like we were closely dancing.

I still didn't know if I could trust him, but I buried my head further into him, letting my tears fall freely, landing softly on his cream-colored suit.

"You don't have to tell me what's up, at least, not right now, but, remember that we all care about you, ok? No matter how long we've known you." He finished, pulling back slightly to smile at me, despite my most likely red face and tears. I smiled at him, as my tears slowed, and thanked him.

"Thank you, for everything, Honey-chan. It means a lot to me." I blushed, kissing his cheek softly, before laying my head back where it was, and continuing the dance.

Not without catching his red face, as a ghost of a smile appeared and he hugged me close.

My choice to go to this party might not have been so bad, afterall.

(all scenes that may have come from the manga or anime do not belong to me, all rights go to Bisco Hatori, and Takuya Igarashi)

A Little Bit of Honey- OHSHC- Mitsukuni HaninozukaWhere stories live. Discover now