- Chapter 1 -

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I sighed sitting on the carpet floor with my back against my bed, my eyes traveled around my new apartment. I was finally free from my Father, I closed my diary, clicked my pen and tossed both onto my bed. Slowly I stood and walked over to the last few boxes of stuff I had stacked in the corner of my room, I opened the top box and was greeted by the smell of dust. I reached in and pulled out an old picture, I felt tears sting my eyes and a burning feeling creep up my throat. I rubbed my thumb along the dark wood frame, trapped inside the image was the last picture I ever took of my Mother and I...

I was about 14, sitting in the tire swing attached to the large oak tree we had in our front yard. I had the largest smile plastered across my face as my mom pushed me forward.

I could practically hear my mothers laugh through the picture, little did I know what pain she was going through when that picture was taken. I blew it off and placed it on my night stand, I smiled as a single tear ran down my cheek. I finished unpacking the rest of my stuff and then walked out to my living room with my camera, setting it up on my tripod. I turned my camera on and checked the view finder before falling backwards onto my new couch.

"Hey guys and welcome back to my channel! Clearly this isn't my usual setting. If you follow my Instagram then you already know where I am." I began cheerfully, gesturing below me where I would put my Instagram @ in editing.

"I moved into an apartment!!" I yelled with my usual crackhead energy I showed in my videos.

"I'm so so grateful for you guys, it's only because of you guys-my wonderful viewers-that I was able to save up to get this beautiful place!" I said clasping my hands together and smiling into the lens.

"Enough talking, let's get on with the tour. it isn't 100% finished yet, obviously it'll be much more of a vibe when I get all the decor I crave." I explained as I picked up my camera from the tripod and began showing my surroundings. Starting with the main room, and kitchen, then moving to the bedroom and main bathroom with a walk-in closet. Slowly I traveled to the other side of the living room and down a hallway that had an empty room with a small closet, I expressed to the camera how I had no idea what to do with the room and to leave suggestions down in the comments. I moved to the guest bathroom and a small storage closet, I finished it off with showing my balcony and the second floor that I was using as a library and office, before standing in the main room with the camera up in the air angled down at me.

"That's it for this video! Thank you all for watching! Stay tuned for next week!" I said, winking at the camera.

"Peace out!" I laughed as I covered my hand with the camera before turning it off. I smiled and walked up the spiral staircase towards my library, I lined 2 of the 3 walls with floor to ceiling book cases, I had a hanging chair in the center and my desk against the third wall with my PC and set up on it. I walked over and sat on my spinning chair, fiddling with my camera and PC so I could start editing. After about an hour of editing I was done with the short video, I headed to YouTube and posted it, right as it loaded my phone began to buzz beside me. I reached over and grabbed my phone before leaning back in my chair.

Unknown Number

'Weird' I thought, I answered the call and placed the phone to my ear.

"Hey is this Selena Tylor?" A bubbly female voice asked.

"Yes this is she." I replied warmly, spinning in my chair slowly.

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