Chapter 01 (Edited)

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Edited - 05/June/2023

Chapter One - Chance to Live Again.


In a white room, there was only silence, which was only broken by the beeping of the devices that showed the vital signs of the person who was lying there on the bed, there was a young black-haired girl barely 18 years old, her condition was not the best, she knew she was dying but even so, she didn't feel sad but rather calm, she knew how to bear all the weight of the last few months in that hospital, she accepted that she would not live more than a few months.

Her family? No, she didn't have them, friends? No, she was always alone against the world, and that explained why she was alone in that room, her only company was a doctor who always went to see her and make her feel better even though he was not the one who followed her medical case, she felt that it was hard for her to breathe.

She tried to slow it down so it wouldn't hurt, she heard the door being opened, and she carefully moved her head in that direction to see who it was, and she saw the person who made her get out of that heavy environment.

The man who had just entered was wearing a black shirt and a jacket of the same color, black pants, and a briefcase on his left shoulder, his gaze was sad, with careful steps he approached the young woman. Sitting next to her with great care, he took her delicate hand trying to be strong and not cry when he saw the girl's state.

He tried to smile when he felt the slight squeeze from the girl, he looked at her face, trying to record every detail, her shiny black hair, eyes as black as the night itself, which lost their brightness little by little, thin face, small nose, white skin and at this point somewhat sickly given her condition, he felt a node in his throat when he saw the monitor, her heartbeat was getting weaker, he was losing her, he knew that this was the last time he would see her and he tried to talk to her but she spoke first.

_____ - "You shouldn't be sad for me" - She commented slowly with a tired voice. - "For me, it would be like sleeping, and I will happily pay that fee because I know that everything has its price and why" - She finished saying softly while squeezing his hand with the little strength she had left, the man next to him simply crouched down his head so she wouldn't see him shed the tears he had been holding back since he entered.

He kisses her hand gently.

??? - "I know, but that won't stop me from missing you every day" - He said with pain. - "But... I trust that wherever you go, you will be fine, and I hope that wherever you go I continue to be behind your eyes as you will be in mine" - He pronounced slowly, she smiled and slowly nodded.

_____ - "Will you be here until the end?" - She asked, closing her eyes, he didn't know how to respond, he knew what it meant and forced himself to speak.

??? - "Until the end, I will always be with you now sleep little one."

She obeyed what was said and felt that she was sinking into a deep sleep without being aware of the man's crying when she felt the deafening sound that ended her life.


Her body felt light, she felt so much peace, unconsciously she began to cry, her heart no longer had pain.

But now she wondered where she was. She carefully opened her eyes, taking the surprise that she was in a large field, it was huge, and it seemed to be at night, she fixed her eyes on the ground and the plants emanated a beautiful glow, thus giving light and life to everything that was there.

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