Chapter 12 I

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"That will last forever which, having had a beginning, will have no end."

Severus Snape

I am not afraid of what tomorrow will bring, for you were my yesterday....

And if I have to pay for your presence with a few more years of pain and emptiness then fine.

I'll pay that fee happily......

For everything has its price, we take leaps and bounds, and no one can measure our journey in miles.

Circumstances may be a friendly lady, but that lady bites hard too.

She snatched you away before I could see the end coming.

But I have these memories, and they keep circling in my head, they come back when a day without you is hard to face....

I miss you, every day.

But I trust in what we had once built.

And I hope that I'll still be behind your eyes when you close them, so that when they're shielded from the rest of the world, your memories will come alive again, your memories of me.

This is all I have, but .... is enough for me.

You were mine once

I saw you blossom, now I must let you go.... but I don't regret loving you, I never will.....



Chapter Twelve - The Importance of a Family

Part 01


Severus kept his gaze fixed on a photograph where his best friend Sakura, her boyfriend James, his friends and his beloved had left his great love of youth in the past, or so he wanted to believe.

It was hard for him to face the news that Sirius had betrayed the Potters but he refused to believe that this was true, but also a part of him seemed to force him to hate him and he didn't know why, he knew that for Sirius his family was always above everyone and everything, he knew that because he had been included in that family.

He always regretted going to visit his parents that day, not only did he lose his family but when he woke up in St. Mungo's he learned of the death of the Potters, his mind would not let him remember how he lost his parents, he only saw scenes of violence of his father against his mother but something in him did not let him believe that it was true.

Then there was Sirius.

Having him so far away hurt him, but a former Death Eater like him with no family, no money, and no one to give him any real support, couldn't do anything, if he asked for an appeal he knew it would just reinforce the pathetic theories that Sirius was a Death Eater too and his sentence would be even worse.

He felt alone, his parents had died, he had made friends during his time at Hogwarts, and even after his studies, his friends had faced the start of the war by staying neutral he was certain that he had also joined but... because he couldn't remember if that was real or not, the mark on his arm showed him that he had chosen the wrong path.

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