Chapter 11

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A WISE MAN SAID: "Don't trust pretty words, many have sugar in their mouths and poison in their hearts."



Chapter Eleven - Awakening and new things.

Time is something that few value when they do not really appreciate its importance, to the good fortune of the Senju couple they had a second chance to spend time with their daughters even after his death.

The three days had passed and with these both learned to value those days with their daughters, they learned a lot about where they lived now and they also learned from them, although they could not wake up the kongo fusa does not mean that everything was in vain, being able to see their real parents was already a great reward.

The day of their departure arrived, and there were both parents with mixed feelings, if leaving them for the first time was difficult and painful, doing it a second time was even more painful but they understood that they did not belong there.

Kansaki did not leave his daughters for a second on the third day and they did not seem to be bothered by their mother's attachment.

Hiro tried to control his mood, he wanted to be strong for his family, he loved his daughters more than anything, he was proud of how they grew up and the values they had, he hugged them tightly and made sure to make it clear to them how much they loved them.

The girls were happy to have met them, they felt that at any moment they would cry, they did not want to leave them but it was necessary.

When they hugged their mother they could not hold back the tears, this would be the last time they could see them again, they hugged his father tighter, he did the same when he felt his daughter's sadness when he said goodbye to them.

At a slow pace she approached Kushina and Minato, they were sad to know that the girls would leave, Kushina did not wait for her to speak and hugged her tightly, Minato did the same with Hermione, those little girls had earned a place in their hearts and they would always remember them.

The moment had arrived, they saw how the Shinigami appeared in front of them, it was time to leave, they felt the gaze of many on them, at that moment she approached with confidence towards Death and without fear took his hand. 

Hermione followed her sister's example by taking Death's other hand and they looked at their parents one last time.

Hermione- I was very pleased to have met you and to have been able to spend time with you, I will always remember you fondly, - Commented the little girl with tears in her eyes.

___ - Wherever you are you will always be our parents, thank you for loving us so much, - She said with a smile even though tears were running down her cheeks, her parents gave them a smile full of affection which the girls did not hesitate to reciprocate.

Kansaki- I am proud of you little ones, grow up strong and become worthy women, I trust you will, we love you very much, - She said with a broken voice for having to see them leave, her husband pulled her into an embrace.

Hiro- Be very happy, train a lot and have a life full of adventures, you will always be our Princesses and whatever you do we will always be proud of you, - He said goodbye with a smile full of pride for his girls, both parents and the rest of the people present there saw how they vanished in a black smoke from the hand of death.


Meanwhile at the Vulturi castle

The third day of waiting finally came to an end, everyone waited anxiously for the awakening of the little ones, they were in their room still not awake, Sulpicia and the Cullen women were in charge of dressing and grooming them while they waited.

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