Chapter 02 (Edited)

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The past is important but it has already happened, it is nothing more than a precedent of what we live now and what we will live later.


Chapter Two - The Past is Prologue


Narrate ____

I felt like I was trapped in a small place, I couldn't move, see, talk, much less breathe, but even so, I didn't feel like I was drowning, it wasn't the first time I felt like this, it's been several days or maybe months since the feeling was the same but the uncertainty and fear of the unknown were great. Where am I supposed to be?

I tried to move a bit until I felt something move next to me. What the hell was that!?

I tried to move away or so I thought I did until I felt something spongy but rarely warm on my other side.

I tried to calm down and think about all this, darkness, a warm fluffy thing, a blanket maybe? No, I doubt that didn't feel like one, I start to hear voices in the distance, it seems as if I and the 'thing' next to me were underwater.

"Oh, my goodness!!!"

I hope it's not what I think it is, this is impossible, right? It can't be true, but understanding what surrounds me I think it was true.


I started to get impatient again, where am I supposed to be reborn? That thing next to me was someone else?

I began to feel a tug on my body, the sensation was horrible, and it seemed that they were sucking me.

I heard some altered voices and another one screaming.

??? - "Push, push, it's almost out!"

I guess the hour of my birth has come.

I feel my body squeeze, it's horrible, and then my head came out and I feel like I can finally breathe, the rest of my body does too, it was a good thing to be free again but everything got worse when my body felt cold unconsciously I started to cry. I feel so fragile and vulnerable, some things that I think are someone's hands holding me and starting to clean me.

Yes, I think that, since I didn't want to be touched, it was uncomfortable.

'Please leave me alone' - I said in my mind until another voice was heard again.

??? - "She is a beautiful girl Kansaki-san, but you have to push again apparently the other baby also wants to get out fast."

It seemed that they spoke in another language, Japanese maybe, I was lucky that I knew several languages ​​in my previous life otherwise I would still feel more loss.

Did you say another baby?

I will have a brother or a sister, at least I know I won't be alone, I felt like they covered me with something warm and then what seemed to be loaded again but this time I felt warmth and tried to open my eyes while listening in the background the crying of my new companion.

At first, I saw everything blurry, the lights bothered me, I blinked a couple more times until I managed to focus my gaze on the person who carried me, it was a man, I guess this will be my new father, I felt that he was examining me with his gaze and I tried to do the same too to realize he was tall, light to dark skin, red hair?

'What a singular hair' - I thought.

I watched as he smiled fondly at me after doing his light scan and passed me into the arms of a woman. Will that be my mom? She was beautiful.

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