"Oh Aunty Sarah, I'm sorry this must be so hard for you, he died 2 days ago and you're here at a party! You should be with family," Louise said.

"I am with family sweetheart, my kids are upstairs in Fanboy's room, I go in to check on them every half hour," she replied. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be than surrounded by you guys."

"I wish we could bring him back," Louise said sadly.

"I know hunny, but we can't. He wouldn't want us to be sad, he would want us to be celebrating his life!" Sarah replied.

"And that we will! Cheers to Uncle Tommy!" Louise said.

"You're only calling him that because he can't defend himself," Sarah chuckled.

"Oh, 100%!" Louise laughed.

They sat there for a while and talked about the late Tom "Iceman" Kazansky. They laughed and laughed, he would be happy that they weren't sitting there crying.

After a fun night, everyone began to head home. Louise hugged everyone before she left and then collapsed on the sofa with Hangman.

"So," Hangman began, "did you enjoy your night?"

"Yeah, I did actually!" She replied smiling.

"Good, how're you feeling about everything?" He asked.

"I'm okay, it was a nice idea to get this over and out of the way! I think you were right though, the longer I worried about it, the worse it would be. I'm Louise Jones and I don't need months to help get over this!" She smiled.

"You are exactly right! You are so strong Lou," he said smiling at her.

"Well, I guess we should head to bed!" She said getting up from the sofa.

"Yeah me too, bonding day for everyone tomorrow!" He replied.

"Is it? When did we decide that?" She asked confused.

"Urm, when the accident happened," he said awkwardly.

"You can talk about it Jake," she chuckled, "the more I make it common, the easier it is to come to terms with it!"

"You're amazing, you know that?" He smiled at her.

"I think people may have mentioned that once or twice!" She laughed.

"Shut up you," he chuckled, "so bed?

"Yeah, night Jake!" She said smiling up at him.

"Night Lou," he replied.

They disappeared into their separate bedrooms and slipped into bed, resting for the following day about to come.

When morning finally came, Louise was woken up by her very hungover housemates. Fanboy and Coyote were feeling the effects of what they drank last night.

For the first time in a while, Louise was the one without the hangover and she knew it was the perfect time to get her revenge.

They were getting ready to pile into cars and drive over to universal studios theme park to bond again. Louise and Hangman hopped into the front of his car, Fanboy and Coyote slowly followed and got in the back.

"Hey Jake?" Louise said grabbing his attention.

"Yes?" He replied.

"Do you think we should play some music?" She asked mischievously.

"I think that would be a great idea, Louise!" He smirked.

Hangman put the music on and blasted it through the car, Fanboy and Coyote shrunk in their seats, cringing at the noise.

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