What! Beltik!?

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I sat in a room, which to my knowledge was some sort of leisure room. My book was in hand, and I read it quietly, occasionally taking a sip of my tea. I could feel my black boots hugging my feet tightly, and my legs covered in goosebumps, exposed to the cold air as my dress was above my knees. I felt the presence of someone sit on the sofa chair next to me but I ignored it. Checking my watch, I almost gasped but stopped myself. I needed to leave. I put my book in my bag and grabbed the other one that was on the coffee table by my half drank cup of tea.

"What a coincidence, that's my book" I heard.

I turned to my left to the man who sat next to me before. "Sorry?"

"My book" He motioned to the one in my hand.

I turned the book over to see the front cover, and to my surprise his face was printed on the front.

"Ah, Benny Watts I take it" I pursed my lips.

"Are you a chess player?"

"No, this is my brothers, he plays" I explained "I have to meet him now, nice talking to you Mr Watts."

I slung my bag over my shoulder and walked off to find my brother. When I did find him, he was signing some papers ar the front desk.

"There you are, we should head back  up to our room, I need a goodnight sleep" He yawned.

"I can look after myself you know Harry, I'm an adult"

"I know, I just like knowing my little sis is safe, let's go."

We got back to our hotel room, whoch was a standard room. Two single beds, one bathroom and a small tv in the corner along with a small table and two chairs which was occupied with mountains of chess things.


The next morning, I accompanied my brother at his chess tournament which he won. We celebrated at the bar, having a few drinks, and me, being the lightweight I was, became a little tipsy.

I told Harry I was going to the restroom and he just hummed in response. So I headed over to the bathroom, stumbling a little. I leaned against the wall for a little to regain my balance.

"Hey, you again" I heard a familiar voice "Are you ok?"

I looked up to see Benny Watts standing there. Looking no different to last time I saw him " I um... I was trying to find the restroom."

"It's right there?" He pointed beside me, a little confused. Then his eyes flashed woth realisation and db smile crept up his face "You're drunk aren't you?"

"No, tipsy maybe"

"Come on, I'm not leaving here" He took a hold of my arm and I didn't resist as he dragged me away.

He took me into the little cafe, amd got me some water to sober up, which took about thirty minutes before it started to actually work.

"I should go, my brother will be getting worried" I told him.

"I'll walk you" He offered.

Benny walked me back to my room  and an awkward silence fell upon us.


"You're welcome"

I just stood there, like an idiot staring, taking in all of him. This was the first time I realised just how attractive he actually was. I gazed down at his lips for a second, quickly looking back up at his warm eyes. He must have had the same thing on his mind because he lunged forward and kissed me.

Benny Watts imagines : The Queen's Gambit حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن