We're getting married

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I sat at the bar, having a drink. The tournament didn't start for another half hour so I figured I would get a drink while I waited. My attention was drawn immediately to her as she walked into the room. Her dress swaying ar her knees, and her heels clacking on the hardwood floor.

I sprung up from my seat and jogged over to her "Why hello pretty lady, could I buy you a drink?" I smirked.

She smiled back, showing a perfect row of pearly whites "That would wonderful Sir, I fancy a pint of beer."

I took her back over to the bar and got her drink which she took a big gulp of.

"Is it too early to ask for your house phone number?"

"No, we're getting married"

"We're getting married are we?" I raised my eyebrows, smiling.

"Last time I checked, I had a ring on my finger" She held up her hand showing her engagement ring.

"Alright, I can't keep this going any longer, fun joke "I took a sip of my own drink "I've got about twenty minutes, to talk about whatever."

"Since we're on the topic of marriage-" She started.

"Oh god here we go" I groaned.

"Excuse me Benny, but you know what my mother's like, she has to get involved in everything. She thinks we should book a place we're we can   stay overnight."

"Why..." My mind went to, not exactly the cleanest of places.

"Because most people will be drunk."

"Oh... right... that" I bit inside of my cheek.

"Wait, what were you thinking?"

I raised my eyebrows in a suggestive manner and she slapped my arm playfully, making me laugh.

"Benjamin Watts!"

"Hey! Not the full name!" I complained "I can to, play at that game Miss Y/n y/ml Watts"

"That's not my last name"


"Anyway, she keeps bothering me about... a certain thing, and it's getting quite annoying. Everytime the phone rings I don't want to pick it up incase it's her"

"Bothering you about what exactly?" I questioned.


I spat my drink out "We're not even married yet!"

"Relax, we are not having any babies  any time soon" She explained "But just a fair warning, she's not gonna shut up about it until we do."

"Until? No, what if? We haven't discussed if we even want kids"

"Would you not?"

"Perhaps in a good few years, when we're both financially stable"

"Ok" She turned back to her drink.

I looked her up and down suspiciously "Wait, was there any particular reason you brought that topic up? Are you..."

"I'm drinking beer Benny"


"I'm not fucking pregnant!"

"Ok! OK! Just checking" I got up from  my chair "I better get going now"

"I'll come over to watch in a bit"

I gave her a kiss and headed over to my table to play my game.

Benny Watts imagines : The Queen's Gambit Where stories live. Discover now