little apartment-sitter

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After I got home from my shift at work, I quickly got changed from my uniform into something more comfortable. I left my apartment and locked the door, heading down to the apartment below. I got my key and unlocked the door, heading inside.

I gasped at the state of the place. How could he let it get this bad? It was a mess; dirty dishes pilling up on the sink, unclean clothes everywhere, white marks and stains on the floor which I hoped to god was milk.

But still, I got to work. I washed all of the dishes and put them in their various places, ready to use. I managed to squeeze all the laundry into one load, and cleaned the floor as I waited. Then I dried the clothes and put them away.

Just as I finished, Benny arrived home. He took off his hat and coat, hanging from off and discarded his boots near the door.

"Hello Y/n" He smiled.

"Benny you really need to stop procrastinating"

"I know I'm sorry"

"I have things to do aswell Benny" I sighed "Where were you anyway?"

"Uhhhhhh, I was, shopping?"

"You were gambling"

"Yes I'm sorry" he sighed.

"Benny no wonder you have no fukcing money"

"I'm trying ok, and you can't lie you like looking after me"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

"Don't lie Y/n, you love being my little apartment-sitter" He smirked.

"Ok get in the shower, you reek of alcohol!"

"Wanna join?"


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