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I woke up, feeling refreshed from sleep and ready for the day. The smell of breakfast coming from the kitchen downstairs making me hungry. Actually, it was making me feel a little nauseous. I suddenly felt the need to throw up.

I jumped out of my bed and ran out of my room, down the hall to the bathroom. Hanging my head over the toilet seat I regurgitated the contents of my stomach.

Once I had finished I sat down on the cold, tiled floor.

"Not today, of all days!" I groaned.

Wandering back to my room, holding a hand over my stomach, I crawled into my bedsheets again and rang the phone.

"Hello darling" Benny smiled.

"Benny, I can't come today, I'm sick"

"Oh no, but it's date night?"

"I know, I'm sorry but I just puked my guts up and I feel like shit so there's no way I can go"

"Awww princess, you want me to come over and look after you?"

"No it's ok, I'll be fine" I sighed " besides my mother hates you coming over"

"Why does she hate me so much?"

"She thinks your going to take my virginity"

"Oooooo bit late for that" He chuckled " I'll call you later to see how you're doing ok?"

"Ok, love you"

"Love you too"

I put the phone back and shuffled under the covers together away from the light streaming through my window.

"Are you coming for breakfast sweetheart?" My mother asked.


"Alright, well I'll leave you some in the fridge incase you change your mind"

I spend majority of the morning in bed. By dinner time I felt better so I called Benny to go out on our date.

"How's your mum?" Benny asked as we ate.

"Fine, bantering about you as usual"

"She really does hate me doesn't she?"

"She hates that your not married to me" I said " just you wait until we turn eighteen and she'll be asking where my ring is"

"Would you want to get married?"

"Of course I would Benny, just not as soon as my mother wants"

Benny took me back home and went to bed happily.

The next morning, I woke up, and sprinted to the bathroom again to throw up.

"Uhhhh!" I groaned in frustration half crying "I thought I got rid of this?"

I went back to bed, but I had school today and my parents would be annoyed if I stayed off. Fortunately, I felt completely better in enough time to walk to school.

"Harry is such a sweetheart" Beth talked " he even bought me a bouquet of flowers"

"That's nice of him"

I suddenly felt arms around me and was lifted from the ground.

"Ahhh! Benny put me down!"

He put me back down, his arms still folded around me and tickled my neck with kissed.


"Alright, alright bossy boots I'll stop"

When I got home, I had dinner with my parents then went up to my room to finish off some homework. I had a little self care night while on the phone with Benny and had a warm bubble bath. That night I went to sleep feeling clean and happy.

Benny Watts imagines : The Queen's Gambit Where stories live. Discover now