Split- Part 1

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A/n: New series!!! This new series I'm making is based of a movie and it's sequel, split. Anya Taylor-joy (who plays Beth harmon in the queen's gambit) plays Casey in it. The movie "split" , and it's sequel "glass" are great movies so if you haven't watched them I recommend.

Dissociative identity disorder (DID) is a mental health condition.

Someone with DID has multiple, distinct personalities.

The various identities control a person's behavior at different times.

The condition can cause memory loss, delusions or depression.

DID is usually caused by past trauma...

I adjusted my bag over my shoulder as I walked home.The streets weren't busy, but they weren't exactly quiet either. The odd person walking down the street and a few cars driving down the road. I listened to my music as I kept walking. A trickle of water hit my skin, and I looked up to see it had began to rain.

"Shit" I cursed to myself. I'd end up drenched before I even got home if I walked the normal route. As I stood in the middle of the path I pondered over my options. I could just keep walking, but I'd end up soaked. I could get a bus, but the nearest bus stop is at the bottom of the street and by the time the first bus arrives I could have walked home. Then I remembered, there's a shortcut not far from here.

I walked a little further until I got to the alley and headed down it. I'd get home much faster, and avoid the rain this way. I lightly hummed the tune from the music as I walked down the dim alley. Then unexpectedly everything went black, like someone had put a hood over my head. I went to scream but, nothing came out... my consciousness slipped away...

When I opened my eyes I was in an odd room. It was small, and I was lying on a cheap single bed. There was a small bathroom to the right, and a main door ahead of me. Confused, I sat up looking around, when the door opened.

There was a man there. He looked maybe a couple years older than I was. Dirty blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and similar coloured facial hair, but not much of it. He seemed well dressed, but not at the same time. A button up shirt and jeans seemed an odd mix.

"Look at your jumper, it has dirt on it" He pointed out. I looked down to see a small smudge of dirt on my white jumper. Nothing serious, a single wash would get rid of it. But he looked at it as if I had just walked out of a crime scene.

"Take it off" He rubbed his temple.

I looked at him, slightly confused. But as I sat there doing nothing, he got more frustrated.

"Take it off please"

His behaviour towards the issue seemed very compulsive. Like he had OCD or something. As I had no idea who this man was, where I was, or what his plans were for me, I decided it would be best just do do as he said.

I anxiously took hold of the bottom of my jumper and pulled it up over my head leaving me in just my cami top. He took the jumper from me and left the room.

Still confused, I huddled up into the corner of the bed, pulling the covers tight to my chest like a protective shield. Then somehow I drifted off to sleep.

I woke up, feeling a little dazed, then jumped in shock when I saw the man sitting by the door, which was now wide open.

"Sorry about Samual dear, he has OCD" He said, smiling " Obsessive compulsive disorder. Hates dirt"

I sat up in the bed, nervously pulling the covers around me. He looked different to before, he was wearing glasses, and his voice seemed, sl

Benny Watts imagines : The Queen's Gambit Where stories live. Discover now