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A/n: This imagine is based of a part of the book

I had just arrived home to New York after my failed attempt to defeat Vasily Borgof in Paris. I felt foolish, stupid, embarrassed and like a child. A child competing against an adult  despite me being 20 years of age. I dragged my suitcase into the living room and left it there, grabbing a cigarette and a bottle of wine. The phone ran so I went over, picking it up as I took a big gulp of the drink.

"Y/n?" Benny voice asked.

I inhaled a deep breath of smoke "Benny?"

"I heard what happened, with Borgof"

I released the smoke "ok"

There was a long silence that made me feel awkward, and I was going to put the phone back, until he spoke again.

"What are you gonna do then huh? You gonna stay in house, get drunk?"

"That was the plan"

"Come on, get a cab to mine and I can help you"

I slammed the phone back on it's holder and finished the bottle.

I drank day after day. Often waking up, limbs stiff, damp with hot sweat, my head reeling and a sickening ache in my stomach which only the alchohol could ease. Sometimes the phone rang, but I didn't pick it up.

A week later, I had woke up after being passed out in my bed. When i tried to sit up I couldn't. My stomach and head thronged horribly. I was still wearing my clothes from the night before and I felt suffocated by them, but I couldn't get them off. I managed to roll myself over to grab the glass of wine on the bedside table and got half of it down before I began choking. Still, I got my breath back, and finished the drink. I was alone. In my room, unable to get out of bed. Had I poisoned myself from drinking so much?

I leaned over the side of bed and vomited onto the floor. The acidity burned my insides, and I felt like screaming, but my voice was too weak. This wasn't a hangover. I was ill.

I heard knocking on my door downstairs, but I couldn't respond to it. All o could do was lie there, half hanging off the bed.

"Y/n oh my god" I heard a voice. It was Benny. "What have you done?"

He pulled me up back onto the bed and I groaned in pain.

"I warned you about this"

"Fuck you"

"You can do that when I get you some damn medicine"

Benny got me some medication from the chemists, which I just about managed to swallow down. He stayed, and looked after me. Brought me water to drink, made me food, and made sure my temperature stayed normal. And in three days I was able to get out of bed.

"What were you even doing at my house Benny?" I asked him.

"You weren't answering my calls, I got worried. You're damn lucky I did come."

"Scared I could have dropped dead or something?"

"I'm serious Y/n, you can't do that, you're gonna hurt yourself"

"Well I'm fine now"

Benny Watts imagines : The Queen's Gambit Where stories live. Discover now