Chapter 1

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"Mikael, honey, you're gonna be late!"

"I'm coming!" exclaimed Mikael, grabbing his backpack as he yanked open his door.

"Ew," sneered his stepbrother, Kirill. "Weirdo."

Mikael raised an eyebrow and rolled his eyes. "Get your mind out of the gutter, you sicko." he replied with a laugh.

Kirill's face flushed and he scowled, slamming the door to the bathroom as Mikael practically flew down the steps to the main floor. He hurried into the kitchen to grab the egg toast his mom made and folded it like a taco before kissing her cheek.

"Thanks for the food!"

"What made you so darn late today?" she grumbled, playfully scowling at me. "Go on, shoo. I can hear the bus coming."

Mikael grinned and gave his adoptive mom, Annika, a thumbs up before carefully carrying his precious food to the door. His stepfather was just putting his coat on when he reached the foyer.

"Will you be warm enough in that?" asked Anton, smiling warmly at Mikael as the teen tugged down his baggy varsity jacket.

"Yep!" he replied with a grin. "Have a good day at work, Papa."

Anton chuckled and gave his stepson a quick hug. "Thank you. Shoo, quickly."

"Yes, sir." Mikael saluted the man and hurried out, stuffing his mouth a bite of his egg toast taco and nearly moaning with delight as he climbed the steps. He'd been starving.

"I almost left without you, kid." stated the bus driver, a stern-looking lady with a clear desire to joke around.

"I'm glad you didn't, though." replied Mikael, once his mouth was free.

He looked around at the bus, which was somewhat full already. Lots of curious gazes were on him, but Mikael didn't mind. He was used to being the new kid from his mom traveling around the world.

Mikael quickly found a seat after the bus lady told him to sit down. He plopped his ass on the seat next to an unassuming-looking guy with long, ratty dark hair and glasses. He didn't say anything because the guy was clearly asleep and there was no point in bothering someone enjoying their beauty routine just to say hello.

"You're new," remarked a girl as she batted her unnaturally large and long eyelashes. They were clearly fake and glued on from the sheer size. Mikael always wondered how people could blink with them on. They were like caterpillars.

"I'm assuming you're purposefully pointing out the obvious to break up the monotonous silence."

Mikael's response was met with an irked expression from the brown-haired girl, mainly because it had generated many snickers throughout the bus. Mikael shrugged off his backpack and set it between his knees, then crossed his arms and stared forward. He wasn't particularly keen on making friends, although if people could put up with his no-nonsense/tough guy attitude around strangers, then they could see Mikael Volkov's friendly, puppy-titled self in all of his glory.

Arms flopped down on either side of Mikael, so he tilted his head back as a bright smile appeared in his line of sight. He frowned and then the face moved back to reveal a guy that totally fit Mikael's preference. Short, soft-looking hair, a defined jaw and straight nose with thinner lips and dimples. The guy was obviously taller from the way he was hunching, too. Now what about his voice?

"What's your name? You look so cool."

Mikael internally smirked. The guy's voice was soft and sweet, just the way he liked it.

"Mikael Volkov," he replied. "Yours?"

Pretty stone-gray eyes sparkled. "You're Russian?"

"My stepdad is Russian. I'm from a Scandinavian background."

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