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Ameesha Nikha happened, Akram joined office for full time as it's his holidays, Noor too is in holidays, but she is bored, Akram is not having time for her like daily he is missing him, that day feelings are haunting her a lot.

Noor always had crush on Akram but he always treated him like kid, when he comes near him she have those funny flips in stomach and she scared of that feelings.

Now this distance made them little away. Daily Noor cooks breakfast he eats with everyone, goes to office returns at night he is tired always talks little and sleeps, she is now lonely.

Alya and Naina are always team, so they don't care about her, Shabeer and Shasha are busy with their basketball team, ladies in house are in their own, daddu is busy with visitors as always, all men goes to office. She felt lonely so got dressed up
"Ammi can I go to Nazia house for sometime?"
"Ok but come soon"
"Ok ammi" she covered her head totally, and took her sister bike and left.

Noor still remember how strictly Akram made her learn Scotty, she was scared to death, then after learning he don't allow anyone to sit back of her except him, not even her friends, how rude and dominant he is? She huffed, now he don't even cared about her, he is just busy. She got more anger.

Both girls came to mall, ate snacks, roamed whole mall, when they came back it's already evening, dropping Nazia she returned home.

"Where the hell were you Noor? I almost died do you even have any idea how scared I am?" Akram shouted, holding his waist standing in middle of her room
"I visited Nazia, I asked ammi permission she said yes, we were at mall then I dropped her and came back"
"Why didn't you call me? I would have dropped you. I would have come"
"You were in office busy"
"And why the hell didn't you carry your mobile?"
"I forgot I am not used to it nah" she sat down she is tired
"I am scared Noor for you"
"I am grown up bhai"
"Noor" he gritted, now a days she is always calling him bhai which is making him pissed.
"Yes" she wanted to ignored his tone
"Akram it's Akram for you"
"Akram bhai"
Akram held her arms brought her to his height, "call me bhai again I will kiss you till you faint khabardar" he hugged her, his racing heart is been audible to her, she can listen his heart beat.

"I am tired"
"Sit! Did you eat anything in afternoon?"
"Yes pasta"
"Food Noor not snacks"
"That is also food bh.. Akram"
"Why are you hesitant to call me?"
"I should learn to be away from you, see you are busy, you will be more busy in future, I am just your little sister"
Akram looked at tears filled her eyes, she is so sad and depressed "did I neglect you Noor? Did you feel such?" He is really feeling bad
"No no but I am stupid that's all"
"Chup! Noor sorry? Really sorry get up let's go out come on"
"No" she wiped her tears, she want to stay away from him, she don't want to be always a third wheel in his life.
"I am not listening" he held her hand dragged her out, forcefully he brought her to lake view, it's peaceful place to sit, "look Noor whenever you feel neglected lonely and sad you will just call me and be silent no need to say anything I will come to you"
She leaned on his shoulder "I am forcing myself into your space, Nazia said I am still a brat"
"Why do you listen to others? Come on eat them" he gave some snacks. "Be as much bratty as you want only with me Noori, I will learn to be patient with you, be as stupid as you want with me, I will safeguard you, you be cling on me, I love it, never I repeat never be distant with me, it will kill me do you understand? Be as you wish with me you have me always"
"But when you get married then?" She asked looking at him with unknown fear
His eyes shines, he wants to tell her, shout aloud "I married you Noor" he bit his lip looked at eyes which have fear in them. "No need to even think enjoy with me that's all Noori when that happens you will be one" he said looking away. She frowned "means?" Her heart racing
"Means it's late let us go home" he got up and took her home changing topic. She pouts. He smiled

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