His attraction

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Akram getting attention is new, he started thinking like he is some special person, he started treating everyone rudely.

Amar asked Akram to come with him to office as he is been having some pending work, Akram is free it's Sunday.
"No chachu it's boring in office"
"You can play with your ball"
"Yeah but now I am champion and captain too what is need to play more I am best you know" he said proudly
"Still you need to maintain your championship and captaincy too so you have to practice and we have lunch together in your favourite hotel"
"What is their to maintain when I am superior about lunch I will reach there directly, you go and have that boring files I will play games on my ps"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes chachu"
"As you wish" Amar left.

Later shabeer and Shasha joined him, all are playing suddenly Shabeer started winning game which made Akram loose his mind he started fight, whole room became fighting ground. Elders came and shouted on all.

"Akram he is younger than you, you should take care of him, not fighting with him, it's bad manners come on say sorry"
"Why will I say sorry ammi? I am elder one he should always loose his game with me" Akram said with attitude
"And why so? If anyone is elder than you will you loose your basketball game for them?"
"No why will I he should learn to win"
"Then you should learn to play this game he shouldn't loose the game"
"But ammi I have to win that's all"
"I don't know" he stumped his feet in anger and left,
Naseefa asked for forgiveness from Shabeer and gave everyone sweets. They all took them and started playing again.

Noor came searching Akram, he is in garden, plucking leaves in anger "Akram bhai take this sweet it's for you"
"I hate sweets go away"
"I know but take this I bought it for you please" she said with sweet smile
Akram is still angry "go away I hate you all" he took sweet and throw it on floor, Noor got tears she turned to him "you are angry it's ok but I bought mine for you, you know I love sweets still I want to share it with you" she wiped tears and ran from there

Akram felt guilty, her tears made him guilty. She always be his side in everything, she shared her things with him, shares food with him, always smiles to him, even now she understood him, he felt really bad.

Whole Akram is sad, at night when Amar came back, Akram explained how he is guilty.  Amar sat down "now what you want to do now then?"
"Bring some sweets chachu I will give her"
"First go to Shabeer ask him for forgiveness, then go to ammi ask her some sweets go to Noor and give her that she loves ammi sweets. Then you feel better"
"But he won"
"You too won so what? Should I be angry on you too"
"I am special chachu"
"I am champion"
"Ohhhh let us play basket ball now if you goal then I will listen to you if not you should listen to me" Amar proposed
"You know to play? Don't forget chachu I am champion" he said with smirk.

Both started game whole family came to arch them, Akram is trying to goal very hard but Amar is not the one to loose that easy, after half an hour Akram is sweaty and patting. He is exhausted, Amar won the game.

"Now tell me who is champion bacha?"
"You won chachu" he said with tears
"But still you are good bacha, win is our hard work not the result Akram, when you work hard then it doesn't matter win or loose, that is win, then you are champion"
"I am sorry chachu" he said with guilt
"You are forgiven now go to Shabeer" he showed him
Akram came to Shabeer "bhai you played so great please please can you teach me please"
"Yes I will and I am sorry for fighting with you"
"It's ok bhai I am sorry too" both hugged
Shasha to came begged to teach him too. Akram agreed. Amar felt happy,

Akram came to his mother said sorry and asked for sweets and told her how he made Noor cry, she gave him earful scolds and then gave two sweets, Akram happily left to meet Noor.

Noor is her room, doing her homework "why didn't come down to watch our match?"
"I have to submit my home work tomorrow if not teacher will beat me here" she showed her palm which is soft and pink
"No one will beat you I won't let them do, you know who won the game?"
"You bhai who will win other than you?" She said happily
Akram heart skipped, those sparkling eyes, her big smile flawless heart made him go awe
"No chachu won"
"No problem bhai when you grow up nah you will be more stronger than him, you are champion always for me" she said with same smile

Akram determined immediately that he will become strong and winner no matter how hard he has to work, her this happiness is only for him, and to keep that he should win always in everything.
"Come on have this sweets I made you cry afternoon"
"It's ok bhai, you are my Akram you can scold me it's ok" she took sweets and started to eat,
"Wait I have this chips you have them" she gave a packet of chips, Akram took them, he helped her homework then both came to Amar room and slept.

Akram started taking things seriously, he just want to win. Win for Noor always. He started studying hard, he is taking basketball classes seriously, he even learned bike driving with his chachu, he want to take Noor with him on bike.

Day by day Akram feeling of Noor importance on his life started growing wild, his eyes follow her always, her moods effect him a lot, he always making sure she is always smiling,

Noor too stays always with Akram, she follows him like a puppy, he is her saviour, he is her hero, he is her guide and her only friend too. Her mornings start with him, she has to wake him for school, then she goes to school with him, does lunch with him, does homework with his help, sleeps with him in chachu room always.

It's day different, Ameeda Akram sister got her first periods, then on house changed, go sleep and boys are given separate rooms, hijab is introduced to Ameeda, first boys felt weird, they even shown displeased and questioned a lot, they laughed at Ameeda too, but Naseefa didn't let them go easily. Eventually they got adjusted.

Within no time Ameesha too had her first time, this time Ameeda helped her, then Ameeda made her sisters sit with her and explain what is periods, how to be cautious, how to deal with it? How can it be ok to have periods and how they have to keep their body clean. Except Noor everyone understood little by little but Noor is too young so she is clueless. They left her.

Later at night Noor asked her chachu "chachu what is periods? We have periods in school nah then di said this periods are different what are they? Why should we have so much blood chachu don't we die?"
Akram too listened, he just a day before had a class in biology which made him extremely awkward

"Bachi! It's adult thing and you are too small for this but keep in mind that hen you grow up your body will change, then you will know that, your di will help you don't worry. Did you wash your face? We need to pray"
"Yes chachu" she smiled, all did prayer and slept.

Akram mind is struck with Noor question. Mostly on Noor, her body is slightly changing, she is growing beautiful day by day. Akram is little bit curious about her more than before. He took his science book and read the chapter, he didn't get all answers which Noor asked, he came to library, he read many books.

Oneday, Noor is playing with boys, she is laughing with Shasha he is joker of house, he always make everyone laugh, today he made some feather fan and played with it, whoever looked at it started laughing as he made it like stick and fanning it.

Akram looked at Noor laughing hell out of her, he lost in her laugh, but when she kept her head on his shoulder his smile left and frown formed, he felt displeased. Then on why Akram don't know but whenever she is with anyone other than him, he is displeased and tensed too.

Akram came to his chachu "chachu tell Noor to stop laughing roaming going out with Shabeer and Shasha, she don't need to"
"Why so? Did they hurt her? Did they do anything wrong?"
"No but I don't like it, she should laugh only with me, play with me roam only with me, she should ask only me for help none other" he said in determination.
Amar bit his lip, he frowned looked at Akram studied a little "you are jealous Akram that's all, she is sister to you all, as she is to you, she is to them too. She can be same with you all, learn to share Akram you are not kid anymore you should be reasonable and if you restrict her she will hate you will never ever talk to you or spend time with you khabardar barkurdaar, your actions only hurt her"
"But I want her to be only mine"
"She is not some basketball Akram she is human, you can't snatch her"
"I want her chachu" Akram cried. Amar is shocked, he felt really bad, he understood Akram age and attraction but this sensitive for her made Amar think.

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