Pruit: Andy, we've already finished signing all the documents and now I feel really tired. I need to return home.

Andy: Sure, dad. I'll take you home and then return to the station.

Pruit: You won't have to take me. I'll call a taxi.

Andy: But if you're not feeling well, you can't go home alone.

Pruit: I'm not sick. I'm just tired. I just want my bed to sleep in. Don't worry. Soon I will be with renewed energy.

Involuntarily, Andy looked at Robert. And with the look, he sent her the message that her father was really okay and that she could trust what he said.

Andy: Okay. I'll call a taxi for you.

Lucas: It won't be necessary. I'm also leaving now and will take you home.

Andy: Thank you chief.

Pruit: Andy, I called you here because Captain Sullivan will need your help. I still haven't introduced him to the station nor shown him how we organize our reports and other documents. This is important and you are the most appropriate person on the team to teach him everything he needs to know. In these first few days, I hope you can assist him in whatever is necessary.

Andy: All right. I will do this. Now you go home and rest. If you need anything, call me.

Pruit: I will.

Pruit kissed his daughter and shook Robert's hand.

Pruit: See you later captain.

Robert: Have a good rest Captain.

Pruit and Lucas headed toward the exit and Andy followed them to the door.

She locked the door and made sure all the curtains were closed. Then, she walked seductively up to Robert and started to give him a few little slaps on his chest.

Andy: I ​​shouldn't forgive you.

Robert: I'm sorry. I didn't want to take your spot. I wanted to surprise you by coming to live in Seattle. But I was supposed to go to station 12. That was my deal with Lucas. You would be captain of 19 and I of 12. Only today, when I arrived at the airport, I was informed that I would be coming here. What can I do to make you forgive me?

Andy: I'm not mad that you're my new captain. I'm mad because I've been trying to resist the crazy urge to kiss you for hours and on top of that trying to hide everything I'm feeling from the team.

Andy gave Robert a kiss and, although he didn't think it was right for this to happen inside the station, he also couldn't take it anymore from longing and wanting to kiss her, so he gave in.

Robert: So you're not mad at me?

Andy: I ​​would never be mad at you for that. I love you so much that I would never put the title of captain above our history and what you represent in my life.

She gave him another kiss.

Andy: I'm not going to deny that, until a few moments before you arrived, I was upset that I had lost the captain's seat. But I just didn't want some stranger to take over the station. We're like family, and you're my family too, so I'm glad you're our new captain. To be honest, I even prefer it that way, because now I will have more time to accompany my father in the treatments and I will still have you here with me every day. It looks perfect to me.

Robert: I was so afraid that you were going to get hurt and not forgive me. All I wanted was to be by your side and not take your spot. Are you really not upset about all this?

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