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"Oliver! I am so so sorry! We totally lost track of time. We are coming now," Grace said hurriedly over the phone as Oliver's anger grew.

"No, Grace. It's too late. The party is over. Go spend the rest of the night with Henry and I'll see you on Monday." Oliver hated being angry at Grace because she was such a nice person, but since meeting Henry she had started to pull away from him. Oliver didn't want to admit it, but he was jealous. Jealous that Grace had a boyfriend that she could happily parade around town, showing him off as hers. Oliver couldn't do that. 

"I can still come and see Indy though, right?"

"To be honest, Grace, I don't think Indy is bothered that you didn't come. Everyone who mattered to them turned up, they made sure they'd be here for their celebration. Fuck knows what you and Henry were doing. Quick coffee, my arse. Goodbye, Grace." He hung up. He could feel his anxiety rising again; he'd never been this angry with her. He never thought a boy would be the reason they'd fall out. Usually, when the two of them had a little spat, they'd soon make up, however, Oliver didn't think it would be as easy as it had been before. 

As everyone left the party, Oliver began cleaning up. Alcohol had been sneaked into the house so there were a few bottles lying about and squashed sausage rolls under the table. Despite the whole situation with Grace, it had been a pretty good night. Oliver loved seeing Indy and Isabella's friends showing them love and accepting them for who they are. Oliver wished he had Indy's courage to just officially come out and say that he was gay, but he was so scared that nobody would care. Nobody being his parents.

They dropped by the party to give Indy hugs and greeted their friends, then an hour later they retreated up the stairs away from the happy chaos. So it was down to Oliver to tidy up again, however, this time he didn't mind. He used the time to think about Elliot and what they were going to do when they would meet on Sunday. Were they really going to have sex? He hoped that Elliot wasn't joking. Am I ready for sex, though? Oliver kept on thinking, would I even be any good at it?

"Hey, do you want some help?" Kai said, emerging from the living room into the kitchen where Oliver was on his hands and knees under the table, scraping the food from the floor. Gross. 

"Oh, I thought you two had gone upstairs," Oliver said, standing up, "please if you don't mind just collecting all the plastic cups and put them in this bag, thank you." Kai grabbed the black bin bag and began collecting all the empty cups, binning them, and pouring any leftover liquids down the sink. The concoction it made caused Kai's nostrils to flare up and he almost gagged. Lovely.

"Indy's passed out on the sofa. They had a great time. Even had a bit to drink," Kai whispered before giggling.

"I'd rather you all be drinking in the house than in the park. At least you're all safe in the house."

"That's true. You know you don't have to come tomorrow. Indy told me that you don't really like being around lots of people. I didn't realise. I just think you're cool and the twins really look up to you so I wanted to get to know you more," Kai was rambling due to slight nerves, but Oliver couldn't help but smile. It showed how much he wanted to be with Indy; going out of his way to get to know their family.

"No, I actually want to come. As long as your family is okay with me coming?" Oliver imagined him turning up with Kai and the twins then Kai's parents screaming at him to leave. He always thought of every single bad thing that could happen because it was important to him to be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Never, ever get your hopes up.

"They said I could invite whoever I want. So the twins and you."

"Okay then. I look forward to it." Which was true. Maybe the whole thing with Grace and Henry was a wake-up call for Oliver to find some new friends. Albeit, his siblings' friends still counted. 

Loving Mr Hudson (Part One) (MM Romance)Where stories live. Discover now