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Elliot excused himself from the class and walked out into the corridor. Looking left then looking right, Oliver was nowhere to be seen. He frowned as he began to walk down the corridor to search for him. Elliot knew he went too far with what he said to Oliver. It was the only thing he thought to do to try and push him away. He didn't mean to hurt him whilst doing so.

"Oliver?" Elliot shouted. There was no answer. He turned the corner and saw Oliver's bag thrown on the ground; some of his books spilled out onto the rough, frayed carpet. Elliot tried again, "Oliver?" He silently walked further down towards the toilets, hoping to hear something and feeling worry and concern settle in his stomach. Why did I have to push it? I know that Oliver is shy. I've ruined it, haven't I? Whatever 'it' is.

Elliot shouted his name, yet again, as he walked into the toilets but he stopped as soon as he saw Oliver's body slumped over the toilet in the far cubicle. He ran over to him and picked his head up from the toilet seat, feeling him breathing and relaxing slightly. Elliot noticed the sick in the toilet and shut the lid before giving it a flush. Guilt momentarily paralysed him as he realised that this was his doing. Oliver got that upset that he was sick. I'm such a wanker.

"Hey, Oliver, can you hear me?" Elliot whispered into his ear causing Oliver to murmur in his unconscious state. "Open your eyes if you can hear me," he whispered again, his lips caressing Oliver's ear, sending a ripple of electricity down his body.

"Huh?" Oliver said, prying his eyes open and he looked straight into Elliot's. "For fuck sake, what did I do?"

"I think you threw up that much you passed out."

"Well that's attractive," Oliver began pushing himself up off the floor and Elliot quickly got to his feet to help him steady himself.

"You okay?"

"Yeah. You're a massive arsehole though."

"Yeah...I realised that. I'm sorry, Oliver. You still want to stay and finish your English essay?"

"Sure. But I'm not going in that room until everyone has gone, okay?" Elliot looked at the time, 15 minutes until the class would be finished, and agreed to let Oliver hang out somewhere until they could be alone.

Elliot left Oliver next to a water fountain, far enough away from any classes, where he demanded he hydrate himself before they spend an hour working on the letter together. Off Elliot went, back to finish his class. Oliver felt such embarrassment, not only due to walking out of class in such a manner, but Elliot saw his vomit! He wanted the ground to swallow him up and to be rid of the feeling.

Watching the clock tick away was frustrating, to say the least. It was as if time knew that Oliver wanted to be back in the same room as Elliot so it purposely slowed down. Oliver swore he saw the hands on the clock go backwards at one point. Sipping away at his water, his phone vibrated.

Elliot Hudson: The coast is clear!

Finally! Oliver jumped up from his seat and almost sprinted down the corridor towards Elliot's classroom. He peered inside quietly and saw him. He held his phone up, looking through his front camera and making sure his beautifully coiffed hair looked good enough. Oliver chuckled, causing Elliot's head to snap in his direction.

"Jesus Christ, you scared me, Oliver," Elliot laughed as he stood up and pulled the door open fully, allowing Oliver to enter. As he tried to pass him, Elliot closed the door and pushed Oliver up against it. He leaned in, their lips oh so close, and smirked, "Here, I think you'll need this," in Elliot's hand was a mint.

"Oh my God, stop it," Oliver felt like dying, but grabbed the mint and shoved it in his mouth before ducking under Elliot's arm and making his way back over to the computer that he was still logged into.

Loving Mr Hudson (Part One) (MM Romance)Where stories live. Discover now