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Oliver Finney's thick, brown hair sat on his head in a wavy mess that, despite his lack of self-grooming, actually looked as though he meant for it to look that way. His shorter-than-average stature made him look a little younger than 17-years-old, however, the seemingly permanent dark circles under his eyes made him look beyond his years. Oliver had an incredibly introverted personality, which he mentally called his love. He could hide and be invisible pretty much everywhere he'd go, including college.

Oliver absolutely hated college with a passion. A burning, raging passion. He only attended to shut his parents up. All Oliver wanted to do was to get a job and have a painfully average life where he can fly under the radar to avoid anyone's unwanted attention. His grades were good enough that he didn't have to worry about teachers telling him to work harder or have high expectations or anything like that.

Being average in all aspects of life was completely fine with Oliver. In fact, he yearned for it. Truthfully, he was lazy and only really wanted an easy life. College would never give anyone that but if he just got through the last year of it, his parents would surely forget about him as they didn't really care. Then he'd be able to truly relax. 

The one thing, however, that Oliver particularly enjoyed at the end of the college day was a tutorial class which was basically where you could do any coursework or work on your CV or anything really. It was like an extra free period. Thankfully, his teacher, Old Man Berryford, didn't give a shit and basically sat there for an hour and a half letting them do what they wanted until the end of the day. Actually, the old man didn't even bother taking a register, so if anyone wanted to skip, they could.

However, Oliver didn't. He went every single day so he could chill out before going to the chaos that is home. 

Chaotic would be a nice way to put it, honestly. Oliver was the oldest out of the five of them. He had three sisters: Isabella, 15, Willow, 12, and Hallie, seven, and 1 brother, Indy, 15. Isabella and Indy were twins.

Any time that Oliver was able to spend out of the house, he would take it. There was no doubt about that. His parents, Noah and Charlotte, were very much workaholics. Noah was a doctor, and Charlotte had her own small business selling personalised backpacks and school accessories. It was something she began when Hallie began big school when she turned 5. Despite a thousand backpacks being available in multiple shops and supermarkets, none were to Hallie's liking. Thus, Charlotte's Stationary Shop was created.

Oliver's parents worked all the hours you could think of. Sometimes Oliver thought that it was because they didn't want to be in the house as much as he did. His siblings made everything hectic. It wasn't worth being in their presence for longer than he needed. The gut-wrenching feeling that Oliver got when he knew he had to be at home was awful.

"I am not exaggerating!" Oliver insisted to his best friend, Grace. She did not believe the seemingly made-up stories that Oliver would exclaim almost every day - until she saw it with her own eyes.

The two youngest, Willow and Hallie, thought it would be funny to squirt Fairy washing-up liquid down the wooden stairs and slide down them. That caused Willow to go smashing into the front door, ultimately giving herself a black eye. They were in hysterics. But guess who had to clean it all up? Oliver did. With a wide-eyed and open-mouthed Grace as a witness.

"Oh my. I get it now," Grace said, her cheeks flushed and her heart pounding against her chest as Oliver's mum, Charlotte, took the girls to the hospital.

It was normal for them. Oliver hated it.

Another time a couple of years previous, Isabella and Indy had a huge fight about Indy stealing Isabella's makeup. Makeup was smeared all over the walls and carpet. Oliver had to clean that up too. So he thought, fuck that, I am not dealing with that. And from that, he tried his absolute hardest to spend as little time at home as he could.

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