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Oliver flopped down onto his bed as his mind ran ten thousand miles a minute. Far too many emotions entered his head, flying about and messing his thoughts up before flying back out, ready for another emotion to wreak some havoc. Elliot tried to kiss him and he would have if it wasn't for the IT teacher popping in from next door to grab a stack of books on a shelf beside the door. Damn, his lips were so close to mine.

The teacher didn't even notice the close proximity between the two of them, nor did he notice the fact that they threw themselves away from one another as the door opened. Oliver's stomach continuously erupted with butterflies every time the thought entered his head, what could have happened? He decided that he'd talk to him when he saw him in the morning. That was if he actually turned up for their The thought was outrageous. Why would Elliot even want to meet up with his student outside of college hours? Regardless, Oliver wanted to pursue the craziness that he knew developing feelings for his teacher would bring.

A knock on Oliver's own door forced him out of his thoughts. After shouting 'come in', the door slowly creaked open, revealling Isabella. What was this? Yesterday was Indy now today Isabella?

"Hey, what's up?" Oliver said from his bed as Isabella stood awkwardly by the half-open door. She glanced behind her as if to make sure the coast was clear and stepped into the room. 

"Okay, so I know that Indy talked to you yesterday and they talked to me too. After you. And I thought, perhaps, that we could do a little party for them. Like a sort of coming out party? Not huge obviously. Just something to show our support for them? What do you think?" Isabella's beaming smile took over her face. At that moment, Oliver truly saw how grown up she was. It was honestly heart-warming. Watching the twins become their own people was beautiful.

"Does Mum and Dad know now then?" Oliver braced himself for a stab to the heart, but it never came. Instead, a smile formed on Isabella's face.

"Yes, Indy asked me to sit with them while they spoke to Mum and Dad  earlier today. They're really supportive but Indy still seems quite scared about what other people at school are going to say. So I thought a party just for us might give them the confidence they need?" Her blue eyes twinkled as she rubbed her hands together in an attempt to contain her excitement. How sweet and caring she was. Indy was lucky to have such an amazing sister. 

'You know what, Isabella, that actually sounds like an amazing idea. I'm sure Indy will love it. When do you think we'll do it?" Oliver thought of the happiness that it would bring. Something that Indy deserved, of course, however, he felt a tad of jealousy swarm around his stomach. Why can't I be that brave and tell them, too?

"Friday night after school? I'm thinking of getting a cake made. Or buying one and jazzing it up a bit." Isabella seemed very excited about the party and wanting to make Indy feel supported and comfortable in their own skin was a truly selfless thing to do. Oliver loved the twins regardless of their petty arguments and childish behaviour at times, but as they were growing up he noticed that they were becoming amazing young adults. People to be proud of. 

"Sounds perfect. I'll be there." 

"Great, now Mum says tea is ready." 

Oliver and Isabella went down the stairs to sit with everyone at the table. Oliver's Mum, Charlotte, put lasagna and salad on everyone's plates and placed them in front of them. Oliver loved his mum's homemade lasagna, it was truly delicious. The smell alone made his stomach scream for more.

"Mum! Hallie has a bigger slice of lasagna than me! That is not fair!" Willow's whiny voice screeched throughout the dining room. Her thin, blonde hair stopped at her shoulders where it flicked out at the ends, and her freckles grew darker as her anger built up, causing her cheeks to flush pink. 

Loving Mr Hudson (Part One) (MM Romance)Where stories live. Discover now