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Throughout the whole of the class Oliver found it incredibly hard to take his eyes off of Mr Hudson, or Elliot is what he said they could call him. His voice was like silk and he had everyone hanging onto his every word. Oliver's throat closed up and he could feel his cheeks turn pink every time their eyes met, which in turn, caused Elliot to chuckle and smirk to himself.

He's so full of himself, Oliver thought.

"Are there any more questions before we finish for the day?" Elliot asked the class which caused so many of the girls to shoot their hands up into the air and they all, without a doubt, had the same question in mind, "Lacey, what's your question for me?"

"Are you single?" she fluttered her eyelashes, which were thick with black, gooping mascara, looking like an absolute tool in Oliver's eyes, and she joined in with the giggles that erupted within the girls. He smirked again, of course. Unbelievably full of himself.

"No, I'm not single. In fact, I just recently got engaged on the weekend." He said, watching all of the girls groan with disappointment. Oliver was gutted too, but it was one of those things that would have never happened. Even if he was single, what would the odds be that he'd be gay and willing to break college procedure to date a student? Very small. If not impossible. Elliot checked his phone for the time and said, "We've got time for one more question. Oliver, what about you, do you have anything to ask me?"

Oliver almost died inside. Attention. He hated attention. He panicked and blurted out the first thing that came to mind.

"Um...what's..what's your favourite colour?" Wow. That caused everyone to laugh uncontrollably at Oliver which made him sink into his chair, wanting the ground to open up and swallow him whole. Why am I such a loser?

"I like that question, actually Oliver. My favourite colour is green. Like a seafoam green." As he replied, his eyes burrowed into Oliver's and for a split second, it was as if it was just the two of them in the room together. Until the girls piped up again, causing the two of them to rip their eyes away from one another.

"Oh my god, Elliot, that is my favourite colour too!"

"Mine too!"

"Same! I'm going to get you a lime green scarf!" Lacey giggled.

"Dude, he just said it was seafoam green, don't you listen? Or are you just that much of a moron?" One of the other quiet guys mumbled which induced a round of laughs and claps, just in time for the clock to chime 4 o'clock, signalling the end of the day.

"Thanks so much, everyone, see you tomorrow!" Elliot called out as everyone piled out of the room, leaving Oliver alone with him. He grabbed his bag and stood up to leave.

"Bye, Mr Hudson," Oliver mumbled as he rushed out of the door.

"Oliver, come here," he said, beckoning him back into the classroom. "Call me, Elliot, I've told you," his smile. Those blue eyes. It made Oliver want to just collapse into a heap of sweat and giggles. It was ridiculous. How could someone have such an effect on him?

"Sorry, bye Elliot," Oliver knew his cheeks were bright red because he could feel the heat radiating off of them. So embarrassing.

"That's better. Oh, nice question by the way. I was getting fed up with answering all the boring questions about my life. Nothing better than a classic get-to-know-you question like that. Thank you." Elliot placed his hand on Oliver's shoulder and gave it a soft squeeze to show his gratitude. Oliver's heart nearly jumped out of his chest. 

"Oh, no problem. It was the first thing to come to mind, I'm not really a conversationalist," Oliver had never really held this long a conversation before, besides with Grace. He sort of liked it. But perhaps that was something to do with the fact that he was talking to Mr Elliot Hudson: the utter heartthrob. 

Loving Mr Hudson (Part One) (MM Romance)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ