Chapter 24: Arms Deals and Tech Sharing

Start from the beginning

Alexis looked in that direction. Indeed, there were a few mushrooms. The mushrooms were oddly green. Compared to some of the photos taken by the aircraft, they  seemed smaller.

"'Let me just…take a closer look'", Timothé said.

"Careful, don't want to get infected by accident," Alexis cautioned.

"'Relax, the suit will protect me,'" Timothé said.

He approached the mushrooms, then felt his foot kicking something else. It didn't feel like a brick or anything very hard, instead, it felt a little more…soft.

Timothé looked down. As he feared, it was a corpse. It is completely covered in green plant-life like substances. And since there were a few mushrooms growing out through its back, it is safe to assume that the theory that it was the mushrooms that created the undead seemed to gain more creedence.

Timothé then attempted to pick up one of them. Unfortunately, it seems to be very stuck on whatever green plantlife was below, which was stuck onto the corpse.

"Bloody hell, cut off a chunk of flesh underneath and pick the entire chunk up," Alexis said.

"'On it,'" Timothé responded. Detaching his bayonet, he started cutting out chunks of flesh below it.

When he finally gathered two of the more…immature mushrooms, footsteps could be heard. Alexis instinctively raised his rifle.

One undead walked past. It is covered from head to toe with the green moss. On its back, one green mushroom seems to be growing out.

Both men remain dead silent. Timothé sought to cut as fast as possible. He did not want to wait until more of them showed up. He got through about 7 of those before more showed up.

One of the undead noticed the men in the alleyway and came in. Alexis fired a shot,  which rang out loud and can be heard from a few blocks away. The shot missed.

"Timothé, we gotta go! Now!" Alexis yelled. He figured that staying there is no longer an option, especially with more of the undead on the way.

Timothé hurriedly stuffed the last of the mushrooms into the bag he was given and picked up his rifle. As they ran out of the alleyway, they realized that more were on their way.


Timothé fired his rifle, hitting one square in the chest, knocking it down. It started crawling towards them, dragging its feet along. 

"Bloody hell, it still isn't dead," Alexis said, after loading a shot into the breech and raising his rifle. He wished his superiors had issued him with the repeating rifle troops on the more…developed regions were issued with.


Another shot rang out, this time from Alexis, but there were five more. The two had to start running, lest they want to be overwhelmed.

Not even a block later, they were already exhausted. The suit was hot. Due to the good seal to prevent spores from coming in, they could barely breathe. The hot and moist conditions in the suit added to their fatigue.

For shambling corpses, they were stupidly fast, almost on par with a living human. One could be forgiven if they were expecting the undead to be a little slower. However, that was clearly not the case.

"Come on now, Timothé, the train is just around the-" Alexis said.


A gunshot rang out from where the train is, followed by another, and another.

"Fuck, they're near the train too!" Alexis said. "Hurry, we must help them."

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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