on my beating heart

Start from the beginning

"Another use of Mister Deacon's powers..."

Mon-El almost rolled his eyes, tired of hearing him say that phrase. Even dead, DeVoe was pissing the alien off.

"Technological reincarnation..."

"Zola," Supergirl muttered under her breath as Barry looked back at Cisco.

"Cisco," he said, his tone wanting to know what DeVoe was doing.

"He's taking over," Cisco said, as Marlize began her way over to her hologram late husband.

"I told you that The Enlightenment will come for you, Marlize, and it will..."

Marlize now stood stood in front of him, the two staring at each other sternly,

"Remember, I thought of everything. Even this moment..."

"Goodbye...my love," Marlize softly said, pain in her voice before she quickly walked around the chair, jamming her hand into the back of it, pulling out its energy source. The hologram of DeVoe flickered away and Supergirl saw the pain in the woman's eyes.

When a quiet alarm went off, Supergirl and Barry ran back behind the console, as well as Marlize. The purple static was gone, and the screens were normal again, "We're back online," Supergirl said.

"Not just that," Cisco said, him pulling up a screen of one of the satellites crashing to Earth, "Satellite's in a decaying orbit."

"Wait, so Marlize deactivating him triggered a literal dead man's switch?" Ralph asked as Barry and Supergirl stared at the screens, panicked.

"It's falling fast. Clifford must've increased its mass by a thousand-fold," Marlize said, checking in between multiple screens.

"Barry, that impact that heavy and that fast," Supergirl said, worry in her tone.

"I know," Barry softly said.

"How much time do we have?" Supergirl asked.

"Three minutes, if we're lucky," Cisco said.

"Okay, how do we stop something that's going to send us back into the Stone Age?" Ralph asked.

Supergirl froze for a moment before huffing, looking at everyone, "Together," she said, "Iris, spread the word to evacuate downtown. Ralph, Cisco, Mon-El, clear the impact zone," she then turned back to Barry, "We've gotta destroy that satellite."

Immediately, Barry zoomed off, taking Supergirl with him, and at the same time — Cecile began to give birth.

Streets of Central City

The citizens were absolutely frantic. Pieces of satellites landed everywhere, light up on fire. People screamed in horror, falling over themselves, crying, panicked. In the crowds, was Captain David Singh, helping citizens out of the way, "Go that way! Ma'am, not this way," he helped a woman off the ground, "Take cover."

A horrible blast of fire was heading right for a couple when suddenly, a gush of wind flew past them, and they were suddenly far from the crash. The couple breathed heavily before they saw Supergirl in front of them, realizing she saved them.

She sent them a quick smile before she zoomed into the air, trying to get higher ground to see where the damage was done. She began to use her freeze breath on the blasts of fire as Vibe, Elongated Man, and Mon-El arrived on the scene.

Vibe saw a blast coming down on more people, so he shot a breach at it, saving the people. The breach then reopened behind him, the blast crashing behind him, but he was unphased.

Finding You » SuperFlash {5} √Where stories live. Discover now