Quite an entrance

Start from the beginning

"Jahve watch also your left side." Eskel commanded him. They were on the garden behind the house.
"I'm trying." Jahve answered honestly and moved away just in time from hit of Ciri's wooden sword. Then he repelled quick following hits from Ciri. She's offered herself to help them with training.
"You're not trying enough." Ciri made a fox's smile and managed to hit Jahve's hand where he was holding his sword.
"Ouch.." Jahve let down his sword because of strong pain in his hand.
"You've lost little brother." Ciri winked at him.
"You're cheating." Jahve frowned.
"No, I'm not. I'm just preparing you on unfair fights. Believe me when it's about life and death situations, nobody fights fair." she explained.
"But.." Jahve wanted to protest. He turned to the witcher. "Uncle Eskel.. tell her something. She's.." Eskel interrupted him.
"She's right Jahve." Eskel laughed. "Come here, you must drink water too." he offered him a glass with fresh water. Jahve didn't protest this time and went towards Eskel.
Ciri turned around because of some noise. She noticed him. He must been standing there the whole time while they were training. But she didn't care, especially when it was about Gabriel. She turned again to Jahve and Eskel and pretended that she didn't see him.
"So, young man can we continue?" Eskel told him and in that moment he hit him with wooden sword but Jahve managed to repelled it.
"Very good." Eskel told him proudly. They continued in fighting.
Ciri stood up further from them and started watching them. She smiled because she could see that Jahve was enjoying this a lot. She was proud of him.

"Ciri.." well known voice called on her.
"Matt?" she said confused and then she turned to him to see if it was really him. She smiled. It was him. He came towards her.
"Matt.." she gave him a honest smile.
"Hi.." Matthew smiled back. He leaned to her and was ready to kiss her on her lips but in this moment she moved her face away and he only kissed her on cheek. Matthew gave her confused look.
"I.." she realized what she did. "I.. missed you." Ciri murmured and immediately hugged him to cover that embarrassing moment. She didn't know why she did it. She's never done it before.
They pulled away from each other.
"Ahm.. what are you doing here?" Ciri gave him surprised look and she was trying to act normally.
"I wanted surprise you and I haven't seen you for a while, so.." Matthew smiled and caressed her face. "And you look beautiful." he gave her kiss on her lips. This time she didn't manage to pull away but she knew her mind wanted to do it. She was feeling really uncomfortable because of this. She looked on the place when she saw Gabriel standing before but he wasn't there anymore. She looked at Matthew again.
"I'm really happy that you're here." Ciri was trying to smile and then she softly touched his face. This time she enjoyed touching his skin.
"Me too." Matthew answered honestly and then kissed her passionately. She returned the kiss. She almost felt butterflies in her stomach.
But her mind was still racing. She couldn't feel comfortable until Gabriel left. What dump effect that guy has on her?
"Ciri we're leaving! Come." Yennefer interrupted her from her thoughts.
"Going somewhere?" Matt smiled at her.
"I'll explain everything later. I promise." Ciri smiled. She could already feel excitement in her veins.
"I think we should go. They're waiting on us." Gabriel appeared from nowhere next to them. Ciri didn't even noticed him but this wasn't the biggest problem.
"Where did you get that horse?" Ciri gave him angry look. Gabriel was sitting on beautiful black horse.
"What horse?" Gabriel said calmly.
"God damn it, why I am even trying.." Ciri rolled her eyes.
"I'm sorry, we haven't had a chance to introduce each other but who are you?" Matthew gave him a confused look.
"Well, that is a question which I would like know an answer too." Gabriel made a cocky smile. Ciri shaked her head because of his smile but she also couldn't unnoticed it either. He again meant something more with his words.


"How far from now?" Yennefer asked Geralt while they were going on horses.
"Just couple of minutes." Geralt said calmly.
"Can't wait." she said sarcastically.
"What about more excitement?" Geralt was teasing her.
"I don't like when I don't know what to expect." Yennefer frowned.
"Well, I feel that way all the time when I'm with you." Geralt was honest.
"I beg your pardon witcher." she hit him strongly into his arm.
"Hey, that hurt." Geralt frowned and caressed his arm with his hand to erase the pain.
"Oh, c'mon, you fight with the scariest monsters but my hit is too much for you?" Yennefer raised her eyebrow. In her eyes were amusement.
"No monster is hitting me from love.." Geralt said seductively and gave her pure smile.
"Thanks God." Yennefer shaked her head and laughed. They both looked at each other in love.
Ciri smiled under her nose. She adored how they can be teasing and loving each other at the same time.
"Why are you smiling?" Gabriel took her off from her thoughts. They were riding on horses right behind them.
"It was nothing." she answered quickly.
"They have really interesting relationship." Gabriel admitted.
"Yes, they have.." she gave him confused look. She wanted to ask him something about his family but he started riding faster and went more forward. She shaked her head. She didn't understand him at all.

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