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Jordyn receives a phone call from Onyx telling her about what happened between Leati and Jey. She paced her floor stuck in between helping or letting Leati learn his lesson. If she don't allow him to learn that he's going to do things knowing she will always bail him out. But if she don't, her children and the huge business deals could suffer. Most of all, her babies suffer but they'll suffer more if their father doesn't learn by falling and having to help himself. He have to ask Jesus to help him on his own with a sincere heart. And Jesus knows when you're just trying to play with HIM, He knows all.

Jordyn sends a message to his lawyer about everything. Jordyn, "All I'm going to do is my professional job. And I contacted his lawyer. That's all I'm going to do. How he spins this is on him."
Onyx, "Yeah. But sometimes things don't need to be spun in a person's favor. I think that what's wrong with someone people with money and power. They rape, kill, steal, and do whatever they want and because they have what they have they don't suffer the same as the common man. The thing that's so beautiful about common man is most of them got this thing that can't be bought and that's faith. They dont have million dollar lawyer and they can't buy a judge. A common man go cheat and because he can't buy himself back into his wife and children's heart, he really have to either live life without them or he really straightens up, change in that instant for the better and fight for those relationships back. A man with money, mostly like he don't change, he just change how he maneuvers. His money and power becomes his god and to be honest that's Leati's whole problem. He's going have to sit in that cell and let those four walls close in and he's going have to deal with every truth so he can get better. So he can grow. So he can come back to his kids and we really can be friends and make this family work."
Jordyn, "You're right."
Onyx, "What do we do?"
Jordyn, "Give everything time. Let Leati handle this on his own. He got his money and lawyer. Let's just see." 

Thank GOD Jey didn't die. He was fine and Jordyn sent him flowers and money from Leati's account to cover Jey's medical bills. Regardless of the words being traded Leati should have never came at him with a knife especially when Leati cussed him out first. Leati lawyer went down to speak to Leati and he also visited Jey. Plus Jordyn had to deal with the Studio being broken into, talk to investigators and still get ready for an Asia tour alongwith having to hire three models that were tour ready.

A month goes by and Jordyn checks on Leati through the lawyer.

Emmett 5th birthday was approaching and he was starting kindergarten in August. Emmett asked Jordyn about his father coming to his birthday but she didn't know for sure and didn't want to get his hopes up. As Jordyn was whipping up homemade cupcakes 🧁 Onyx walks in with Leati's lawyer and Leati himself. Jordyn was in disbelief.
Lawyer, "He's out until his official court date in a week. And he's under serious and strict do and do nots. If he do just one don't it's an automatic 5 years in a federal prison. This judge is no joke. Couldn't buy him."
Jordyn, "Is there a point to all this?"
Lawyer, "You should have gotten him a judge."
Jordyn, "The court house has plenty. I have some extra cupcakes iced if yall desire one."
Leati, "A month and no call or email?"
Jordyn, "Life goes on whether you're behind bars and besides I was busy with business and my kids. You're a big boy, you got this. But today is about Mt baby---
Leati, "Our baby!" Jordyn rolls her eyes and continues icing the cupcakes. "You still with ole boy?"
Jordyn, "You still with ole bitch? I mean ole girl?"
Leati, "Very funny. No I'm serious. You aint had that dude around the kids have you?"
Jordyn, "No. Only I got around him."
Leati blood was starting to boil as the statement rolls off her lips making his lip and body switch.
Jordyn, "You aint had them around ole girl, oh thats right you did something stupid and landed yourself in jail. Never mind my question, we all know the answer to that." Jordyn laughs hysterical at her own joke.
Leati, "That shit aint funny."
Leati grabs Jordyn.
Jordyn, "HE'S TOUCHING ME! VIOLENCE!" Leati immediately let go before the guard made his way to the area. "You better keep your hands off me L!"
Leati, "Lower your voice."
Guard, "What's going on? Do you need me to handcuff him?"
Jordyn, "Not right now. He grab me one more time you can handcuff him and get his ass out of here."
Guard whispers, "I'm not going to report this warning but if you do something else than I will. Understood?"
Leati just stood there.
Jordyn, "Understood? The man asked you a question."
Leati grits his teeth, "Yeah. I got it."
Emmett runs into the kitchen into his father's arms.
Emmett, "Dad! When did you get in?"
Leati, "A few minutes ago. Mom and I were talking about how proud we are of you."
Emmett, "I'll be going to the big school soon."
Leati, "So we have to go shopping for big boy school supplies and get you the coolest clothes, shoes and bookbag, right?"
Emmett, "Right!"
Leati continued talking to his son and eventually the rest came and Onyx brings Kaila to Leati.
After an hour, Jordyn, "Okay guys are you ready? The real party is outside!"
Their kids, "YAYYYYY!" They step out and Leati see his number everywhere and huge streamers and banners of him.
Jordyn, "You're his theme. He wanted the theme to be his hero."
The children ran wild enjoying the different booths, rides and treat tables. Everything was Leati from the table cloth, to his face being on the cups, napkins, plates, side of the rides, banners, streamers, game booths, videos playing his greatest moments on the gridiron, his commercials, and family photos. Their families started rolling in for the birthday party causing more noise and the birthday party to officially start.

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