Samoa 🇼🇸 Part II

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Leati, "Where do you think you're going?"
Jordyn, "Check into a hotel I'm on vacation. I want my own space."
Leati, "Why? I mean staying with me can be fun. We can party, place games, eat junk food, go bowling---
Kids, "Yayyyy!!!"
Leati, "See the babies are onboard."
Jordyn, "Don't do this in front of them. You can do all that when you come and see them but I want my own space away from you."
Security, "Is everything okay ma'am?"
Jordyn, "Yes. Everything is fine."
Security, "Sir, if you're not renting a room I suggest you keep it pushing!"
Leati, "Please I can buy this whole raggedy ass 3 star hotel." Leati leaves and heads back to his family's home.
Jordyn leaves out that hotel when she see Leati drive away and go to another one. She hops online to book a flight back home. The next flight is at 6:00A.M. then the next one was at 9:00A.M. She bought tickets for both times just in case.
Jordyn reconnected the lights and water at her condo in Charlotte,NC because she wasn't going back to Washington. She used the hotel laptop to do all this because she knew Leati had their phones connected.

Savelina calls Jordyn to bring the children to play. She didn't know about taking that gamble but Tonya was landing in twenty minutes. In Jordyn's head they better spend all the time they can with her kids because she planned on it being a long time before she see his side again. Because she was planning her escape plan. Tonya finally arrives and they head to Leati's family home. When she arrived the kids ran off and Jorydn spotted Leati sitting on a large rock drinking. She didn't pay him any attention.
Lisa, "Hi. What are you doing here?"
Tonya, "My friend invited. And what are you doing here? You ain't Samoan."
Tonya and Jordyn laughed and high fives.
Lisa, "I'm not into that childish behavior. Speaking of behaviors, did Jordyn tell you she was Leati built in arranged whore before she was his wife? High-five that."
Jordyn, "Please you wouldn't have stayed with Leati dad if he didn't have a little money."
Lisa, "Have you been drinking?"
Jordyn, "No but your son is. Suffering from a minor concussion because of your son and healing from that, yes."
Lisa, "He would never."
Jordyn, "And he did."
Jey approaches Jordyn and Lisa walks away to go inform her son.
Jordyn, "Shouldn't you be with your boss?"
Jey, "Rather be with you."
Jordyn, "Ha! After I'm done divorcing this crazy ass Samoan, I be damn to go with another."
Jey, "Listen, I'm still the nice guy that made you laugh and understood you."
Jordyn, "No."
Tonya, "What part of get lost don't you understand?"
Lisa and Leati comes walking in earning eye rolls from Tonya and Jordyn.
Leati, "Why are you and your sick dog face friend in here disrespecting my mother?"
Jordyn, "She's been disrespecting me. She keep her comments to herself and I'll keep mind to myself."
Leati, "How did you start hating my mother so fast?"
Jordyn, "I didnt start the pettiness. She did. Her or you aren't a victim."
Tonya, "And who you calling a dog face. You ain't that cute without hair bitch."
Lisa, "That's it. Get out!"
Tonya, "The only thing that's out is your son. He's out of his damn mind."
Leati, "No. Everyone calm down. Let's spend time to with the family and join the different festivities on the beach."

Ten minutes April walks in. Tonya shakes her head. Tonya, "Let's get out of here."
April, "Hey yall."
Tonya, "What you doing here? This is a personal trip so why are you here? You and Leati got a personal relationship?"
April, "No. I'm here to work. Hi Jordyn."
Jordyn, "Hey. Enjoy."

The next day Jordyn starts packing at 2:00A.M. Her and her children alongwith Tonya arrives at the airport at 4:00AM. 5:45 the plane starts allowing people in. She was walking towards the terminal when she look up to see Leati. Her and Tonya eased so car grabbing the children into their arms. Thank GOD they only had one bag each and started running towards their terminal. Leati was some ways behind but he was quick. Jordyn and Tonya made it without being caught. Security and ticket keepers told Leati he needed a ticket and wasn't allowing him to board without one.
He went to try and buy one.
3 Minutes until take off...
Thank GOD the machine froze up and tickets were sold out for that flight.
6:00AM--- TAKE OFF

After a 14 hour and a half flight they landed in Charlotte, NC. Tonya and Jordyn ran around to get Jordyn's condo ready for her and the children.
Tonya, "Remember don't use your card."
Jordyn, "I got my own banking account he doesn't have a clue about. It opened it under my real father at Navy Federal."
Tonya, "Thank GOD. So proud of you."
Jordyn, "Thanks."

Leati ended up getting arrested at the airport for acting crazy and fighting security and off duty police officers. Jordyn lawyer informs her with Leati being custody and judge will go ahead and grant the divorce. She jumped right on it, and paid what she had to paid. Her divorce was now in progress and be finalized in 72 hours.

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