New Nightmare: Twisted

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Jordyn was leaving the doctors office. She pressed for the elevator to go down. As she was riding the elevator, she turns around to see Leati standing behind her. He came from the elevator ceiling. Leati, "Hey baby." He shuts off the lights to the elevator, "LETS DANCE!" Jordyn struggles to get away.

Jordyn pops up from her nightmare. She looks down to see she have peed the bed and have sweated all through her clothes. She was so worried because she had a doctor's appointment in a few hours. She headed to the shower and broke down in tears wanting this marriage to be over and wanted Leati to stop torturing her even in her dreams, he's there. He's like a sexy Freddy Kruger, he stays in her dreams lately and in everyone of those dreams it ends up being a nightmare with Leati trying to kill her or succeeds. So far he succeeded more than failed.

Jordyn slowly picked at her breakfast with a low appetite. Kailani, "Mommy?"
Jordyn, "Yes baby girl."
Kailani giggles, "Where's daddy? Candy?"
Jordyn, "In my dreams. No candy okay. Food."
Jordyn, "He's not here okay. You need to eat food. All that candy will make you have a tummy ache. Besides all these sweets isn't good for your asthma, okay?"
Kailani falls out on the floor having a tantrum.
Jordyn, "Please KK. Mommy has a migraine." Kailani continues screaming and crying. Kailani gets so worked up she started throwing objects at Jordyn.
Jordyn, "Little girl! Now you are trying it. GO SIT DOWN!"
Kailani cries even harder and louder. Just Jordyn's luck Leati starts FaceTiming and calling. She doesn't pick and he messages her.
"Can you pick up so I can talk to the kids?"
Kailani still yelling, screaming, kicking and crying. Jordyn gets to Kailani's level, "Hey KK daddy is on the phone okay."
Kailani gets up and Jordyn answers the FaceTime.
Leati, "What's wrong princess?"
Kailani, "Candy dada."
Leati, "You have to eat breakfast first okay then you can have candy okay?"
Kailani, "Otay."
Jordyn, "SERIOUSLY. That's what I just told her and she threw a fit."
Leati, "Calm down. She's a child. You look good. What color panties you got on?"
Jordyn slams down her phone after hanging up the FaceTime in Leati's face.
Kailani, "Mommy don't cry. Sorry." Kailani tries to take Jordyn's hands from her face. Jordyn, "Mommys fine okay? Mommy tummy just hurts a little. But I'm fine. Let's get you some food and then we'll go get your brothers, get them ready and we'll go get some candy."
Kailani, "YAYYYYYY!!!"

After getting the babies ready and getting the boys fed, she starts loading them into the car. Jordyn goes to the doctor to take a pregnancy test and get her blood work done. She heads to the candy shop.
Emmett, "Mommy. Is daddy coming?"
Jordyn is secretly annoyed of hearing her kids talk about her nightmare of an ex. But she know it's not their fault and it's the man she chose and it's two different relationships.
Roman, "We can call him."
Jordyn smiles up at her son adoring how smile and how he speak so advanced to be two years old.
Kailani, "Yeah! Call!"
Jordyn calls Leati from the car.
Leati, "Hello?"
All three of the kids speak to him at the same and started asking him questions.
Jordyn, "One at a time."
Emmett, "We're going to the candy shop."
Kailani, "Dada come!"
Leati, "What did you guys do this morning?"
Roman, "Mommy went to the doctors."
Jordyn eyes get big, "Ummm guys we're almost there. We'll call you back."
Roman, "Was I supposed to say that?"
Jordyn, "It's okay sweetie."
They get to the candy shop and Leati shows up twenty minutes and Kailani runs straight into his arms.
Leati, "How's my baby girl?"
Kailani, "Good dada."
Leati, "I think you need more candy in your bag."
Kailani, "Me too!"
Jordyn, "No. That's enough candy."
Leati, "She can get the candy then when they spend the night at my house she can have it."
Jordyn, "You don't let the boys obsessively eat sweets and neither is she. Besides she has asthma and it's not good for her too have all that sugar."
Leati, "She's a child J!"
Jordyn, "A child that I'm up with when she gets sick and can't breath, giving breathing treatments and getting two other children up out their sleep to rush her to the hospital."
Leati rolls his eyes and catches an attitude "How are you mad at something you gave her? You're the one with the asthma."
Jordyn, "Give me my damn child."
Leati, "Wasn't for me you wouldn't have her."
Jordyn quickly fires back, "Negro please. I could have chose anybody."
In that moment Leati saw himself choking Jordyn breathless but he refrained for another time.

Leati laughs, "You better watch yourself

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Leati laughs, "You better watch yourself. Boundaries J, learn them."
Jordyn leave with the kids.

48 Hours...
Leati was picked up by the treatment center into a padded van.
3 hours later at 9:30PM Jordyn phone rings
Jordyn, "Hello."
Dr. Green, "HE ESCAPED!"
Before Jordyn could respond she was laid over the head with a huge vase by Leati.
Phone goes dead...

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