But only received a head shake and silence.

He sighed, sitting next to his friend. "Listen...I know the situation you're in is difficult...we all understand that, that's why we wanna help you through it."

San shook his head again. "You don't understand Yunho...none of you do...because you're not in my place experiencing this...I don't know what has happened to me...I'm seeing things and imagining things...I doubt you even believe me."

"Of course we believe you...what happened was not your fault."

"It was my fault not seeing a therapist when you guys told me to..."

"Well it's not too late to start seeing one now..."

San nodded reluctantly with a sigh. "I will...I have to actually move on this time..."

Yunho smiled. "I'm really proud of you."

"Thank you."

"Now will you eat something?"

"No...I feel bad for Wooyoung, I should go home, I left him alone all day."

Yunho nodded, understanding the situation. "Okay, I'll drive you."

"I have my car, I feel fine, don't worry."

"Then text me when you get home."

San nodded and dragged himself out to his car to drive home.

He took a deep breath as he stood outside his apartment. "Just be honest and tell him everything." He whispered to himself before unlocking the door and stepping in.

To his surprise, Wooyoung was standing there as well.

Heading towards the door?


"Yes, I'm home...where are you going?"

"None of your business." Wooyoung tried to locate the other to push him out of his way, but he was stopped.

"We need to talk." San grabbed his wrist.

"There's nothing to talk about."

"No, there's a lot to talk about."

"San, please stop this...I don't know if you've forgotten, but I am a human with feelings...just because I lost my sight and memory, doesn't mean you can play with my feelings."

"I don't want to play with your feelings, I need to tell you what's going on."

"Let go of me!" Wooyoung's eyes started tearing up.

Why did everything have to always not work out for him?

"No, listen to me! I'm never letting go of you!"

"Then why do you keep avoiding me?!"

"I won't...I won't anymore..."

The promise made Wooyoung relax a little and stop trying to run away and  leave everything behind.

"I'll listen to you...for the last time San."

San nodded. "Alright, for the last time."

The two sat down to talk in the bedroom, Wooyoung leaning against the bed post and hugging a pillow as he waited for San to speak.

"I...I've been really unwell Wooyoung..."


"Yesterday...when we were cuddling on the couch...I had a dream, actually, a nightmare."

Wooyoung's eyebrows furrowed. "Okay..."

"I saw that my boyfriend came here...and you were there too..." San looked down. "It felt so real that it scared me..."

"Is that why you refused to get the door?"

"Yes...I was scared it would come true."

"You don't want it to come true?"

San stayed quiet, truly not knowing what to say.

"Answer me."

"It's hard." San gulped. "But I felt ready to start over with you...then that happened, so..."

"So you didn't want to have to decide." Wooyoung gripped the pillow he was holding. "You don't have to worry about that."


"If your boyfriend does miraculously show up...I would leave."


"San, I mean it."

"That's what you did in the dream."

"And it's what I would do in reality...I can't take his place, I'm already doing that, and I bet he isn't happy about it."

"The thing is...I'm hallucinating..."

After a moment of shocked silence, Wooyoung spoke. "What..?"

"I saw a text from my boyfriend that was never there."


"I'm going crazy Wooyoung, seeing things, thinking things, hell if it wasn't for my friends seeing you, I would have thought you were a hallucination too."

"You weren't like this before I showed up, right? Am I the reason for all of this...?"

A/N: if Woo escaped before San's return he would have thought he never existed 😖

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