Chapter 23

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'Where to next?' he asked looking at the box, Eileen covered her hand and picked up another object from the box, this time it was the same object she used to get to Middle earth, she picked it up with a covered hand and she looked at her dad, 'I kind of want to go back.' she said, 'Do you have a way to get back?' he asked, 'I suppose not, but if I pick another object I need to find a way back, the only object left in this box is a really small hat.' she said, 'How about you go there first and I am sure you can use your magic to get yourself home and when you come back, you have a few days at home, talk to Khonshu and your family and then you can go back to Middle earth.' Severus said and Eileen nodded, and she picked up the hat in her covered hand. 

She placed the object down on the table next to her and she ran up the stairs, she went to her room and got out one of her bags. She charmed her bag to have more room and she packed a bunch of clothing, shoes and other things that she might need, and she started to walk out of her room when she got the feeling that she was missing something, she looked around her room and saw her wand, she never took it with her the past two time that she had left and she thought that she should take it just in case. 

Shew walked down the stairs and saw that her dad was standing there holding a letter, 'What's that?' she asked dropping her bag on the sofa, 'It's from Tom.' he said handing the letter to her, 'Did you read it?' she asked her dad, 'No I waited for you to come downstairs.' he said sitting down on the sofa. She sat down next to her dad, and she opened the letter:


I have to go out of town for a few days, I am not sure when I will be back but if you need me, you can always call me with the two-way mirror, and I will pick up if I can. 


Eileen looked at her dad and she gave him the letter to read, once Severus read the letter he sighed, 'You better call him to say that you're going away.' he said as he placed the letter down on the coffee table. 'Eileen went up to her room and got out her two-way mirror and called her mum. When he answered he immediately asked if something was wrong and Eileen shook her head, 'No I was just calling to say that I am going away for a while.' she said sitting down on her bed, 'Where are you going?' he asked, 'Middle Earth.' she said. 'Middle Earth, how are you getting there, I thought it wasn't real?' he asked, 'Well I found a wooden box in Barty's things, I picked up one of the objects and I was transported there.' she said. 'Would it be possible for you to wait until I come back to leave again? I would like to go with you.' he asked, 'I can wait for you to come back, I was going to invited dad to go with me, but you can come too. I could even see if Khonshu wants to go as well and make it a big trip.' she said. 

They spoke for a few more minutes until Tom had to leave and Eileen went back down the stairs, 'What did he say?' Severus asked his daughter, 'He wants to go with me when he gets back.' she said sitting down next to her dad, 'I want you to come as well.' she said leaning her head on her dad's shoulder. 'I am glad that you want me to come, when are we going?' he asked, 'When mum gets back.' she said sitting, she grabbed her bad and made her way up to her room to unpack. She sat on her bed and stared at her wall, her eyes unfocused and her breathing slowed. When she snapped out of her trance, she looked at the clock on her wall and saw that she had been sitting there for an hour, she stood up and stretched, then made her way down the stairs to the kitchen. 

She walked into the kitchen and went to the fridge; she got out soup that her dad had made earlier that day and she heated it up on the stove. She ate the soup out of the pan once it was finished and she placed the pan in the sink full of water to clean later. As she walked out of the kitchen she bumped into her dad, who was holding a bag. 'Where are you going?' she asked, 'Tom has asked me to join him, so I have to go. You have money, yes?' he asked, 'Yes I have money but why did he ask you to go but not me?' she asked her dad. 'I have no idea, but we will be back at the same time, so you don't have to worry about that.' he said, he gave her a hug before he left, and Eileen sighed then went back to her room. 

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