Chapter 14

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Near the end of this chapter, I am going to be changing Frigga's name to Eileen as a way of her disconnecting from Loki. The chapters after this one will say Eileen instead of Frigga. 

A few hours passed, and Frigga noticed that it had started raining. She said that she had to go, and Crowley offered to drive her home, not wanting her to get soaked. The two got in Crowley's car, 'So what music do you listen to?' he asked her, 'Do you have Queen? I haven't listened to them in a while.' she asked, 'Oh honey, I have Queen. I even met Freddie Mercury.' he played Bohemian Rhapsody, Frigga and Crowley spoke about Queen while Frigga gave Crowley directions to her home. When the car stopped outside her house, she stepped out but before closing the door she said goodbye to Crowley and went to the front door, she waved at him and walked into the house. 

When she walked into the house, she didn't see any one there, 'Mum, dad?' she called out but there was no answer, 'Who do you think you are calling mum?' a voice said, 'Loki, that you?' she asked, 'Frigga did you really think you could hide from me?' Loki asked. 'Where are my parents?' she said, 'Well I am right here, but your uncle and dad are under the watch of Fenrir.' Loki said stepping out of the shadows, 'He's not my uncle, he's my mum.' Frigga said moving towards the door, she couldn't sense her parents in the house, so Loki must've taken them somewhere else. She quickly opened the door and ran; she didn't know where to go but she ran. She stopped after a while and she decided to apparate to Aziraphale's shop, when she got there, she fell to the floor and cried. 

Aziraphale had heard a noise at the front of the shop and assumed that Crowley was back, he walked through the shop and saw Frigga, 'Frigga, are you alright?' he asked her, helping her up. 'He took them.' she sobbed out, 'Who?' he asked, 'My father, he took my parents.' she said. Aziraphale led her to the room above the shop and he gave her a change of clothes because she was soaking from the rain. They heard the door open and two sets of footsteps coming up the stairs, Aziraphale didn't have much time to do anything because the door slammed open, he turned around and saw two older men, Frigga looked up and saw her parents. 'Mum, dad you're ok.' she said going over to hug them, 'How are you ok?' she asked 'Fenrir let us go.' Tom said still hugging Frigga while Severus was looking at Aziraphale, 'Oh mum, dad this is Aziraphale, he's a new friend of mine.' Frigga said. Severus explained to Frigga why Fenrir let them go and them the three of them left the room to let Frigga change.

Frigga changed into the clothes that Aziraphale had given her, and they all went downstairs, 'So he's found the London house, what do we do now?' Frigga asked her dad 'We go to Scotland early; I know that we have only been here a week, but I think it is the best option.' Severus said, 'Or I could put up more warding on the house, I have a few books about warding angels, gods and such at home.' Frigga said Severus nodded and they were all speaking when the doors flew open, Aziraphale quickly got up from his chair and went to check it out, when he came back, he said that it was just the wind. Frigga and her parents went home, and Frigga got to work on the warding. 

Over the next week all three of them were on edge waiting for Loki to show up unexpectedly, but he never did. Frigga had Khonshu and Merlin over at her home and they discussed Arthur. Merlin told the two tales about his adventures with Arthur and the knights of the round table, he brought up the two dragons he had known, Kilgharrah and Aithusa, Frigga listened to every word that he said. Khonshu who had already known the stories, sat in his chair half listening to his dad. Frigga had mentioned to Khonshu that she was going to Scotland the following week and that she can't write to him because of how busy she was going to be, he seemed dejected but told her that he understands, him and his dad left, and Frigga went to her room.  

Frigga decided to pack her bags early, she only had a few days left in London, but she was tired of always being on edge. After packing she asked her mum to take her to Aziraphale's book shop because she wanted to say goodbye and ask if she could keep in contact with him and Crowley. 

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