Chapter 21

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Over the new few months Eileen slowly revealed to the company that she was a witch and her heritage, she had managed to frighten a few of the Dwarves the first night with the company when she had accidentally turned into a big German Sheppard, she had quickly turned back and that led to a lot of questions from Thorin and Gandalf. She explained that it happened when she is on edge and how she missed her family. 

She had avoided talking about her situation for 2 months but then the question piled up and she had to answer them, she had told them everything from her dad, her mum and her birth mother, her siblings and her friends and extended family. 

They visited Rivendell against the wishes of Thorin, they were there because of Gandalf leading them there without telling them where they were going, but the company had made a circle watching the elves on the horses, Eileen was pushed into the middle along with Bilbo. She sighed at the stubbornness of Dwarves. Later that evening she found herself sitting with Bilbo and Balin, listening Elrond and Gandalf discuss swords, she saw Bilbo pull his sword slightly out of its sheath and Balin whispered something to Bilbo, and he put the sword away looking dejected. Eileen went with Thorin and Gandalf when Elrond translated the moon runes on the map. They left Rivendell and made for Erebor.

Eileen managed to understand Thorin's distaste for elves when they were captured by Legolas and a few guards and they were placed in the dungeons, but Bilbo was nowhere to be seen. Eileen was glad that there was light in these dungeons not like the ones in the manors back home. She noticed that Thorin got taken to the Throne room for an audience with the king. 

Eileen had transformed herself into a field mouse and she slipped through the bars unnoticed, she followed the sound of Thorin's voice to the Throne room and she saw him in front of the king, she looked over to her side and saw a blonde elf looking at the king, she went over next to him, hoping that she was unnoticed, but she found that she was noticed by Thorin and the elf she went over to, said elf picked her up and looked at her intently, 'You are no mouse, show yourself.' he said in a low voice so his father couldn't hear him. Eileen nodded her mouse head to the floor, and he put her down and she scurried behind the wall, she went back to her normal self, and she looked round the corner at the tall elf. 

Legolas looked at her with a strange look in his eye and he walked over to her, he placed his hands on her shoulder and moved her out of the way so she wouldn't be seen by his father. 'Who are you?' he asked, 'I am Eileen.' she said looking up at him, 'I'm Legolas.' he told her holding out his hand, she took his hand expecting him to shake it but instead he kissed her knuckles, she smiled slightly as he let go of her hand. 'Are you from here? I've never seen anyone with your... abilities before.' he said, 'I am from a completely different world.' she said leaning against the wall, she was about to say something else when suddenly there was a sword at her neck, she looked up at the person holding the sword and it was the king, she swallowed, and she noticed that the blade was pressing harder against her neck, she felt a trickle of blood down her neck and she put her fingers up to the blood and saw that it was still black, she was about to summon her daggers when Legolas spoke. 

'Father please, can you put the sword away?' he asked, 'She is one of the prisoners, how did she escape?' Thranduil asked his son, 'I saw her and thought that she was interesting, so I figured that I would get to know her.' Legolas said covering for Eileen, 'Well if you find her so interesting maybe I should get to know her too?' he asked with slight anger in his voice, he put his sword away and he grabbed Eileens arm in a tight grip, he dragged her over to the throne and he made her stand in front of the throne as he sat down, 'So Miss....?' he asked, 'Lady Snape, your highness.' she said sarcastically, 'What are you the Lady of?' he asked leaning forwards. 'I am the Lady of the noble house of Crouch and the heir to Gaunt, Riddle and Snape.' she said in a confident voice even though she was intimidated by the elf that was twice the height of her. 

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