Chapter 1

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There was only a month until she had to go back to Hogwarts, she was going into 7th year with her best friend Draco Malfoy going into 6th year. Frigga was raised by her father Severus Snape, When Frigga turned 17 her dad gave her a dragon egg which hatched a few months later, he told her that it was a gift that her mother left her before she disappeared. She soon found out that she could speak to animals like it was her first language. After her birthday she found out that she could change her appearance at will, she thought that she was a metamorphmagus and an animagus. She didn't know what was in the egg, but it looked very much like a phoenix-dragon hybrid, Severus explained to her that the creature would burst into flames at the end of its life but instead of a baby phoenix there would be an egg in its place.

The night that the egg hatched she heard a voice in her room, she knew that there was no one there so she opened her eyes and saw no one there but herself and the creature, she turned on a near by light and saw the creature looking directly at her she felt uneasy as the creature was not blinking. She sat up in her bed and got startled when the creature spoke, she fell out of her bed on to the floor and grabbed her wand. The creature still looking at her said ~I knew that you are worthy but do you have to point your wand at me, I am so glad you don't have any daggers on you like your mother did when I first came to him.~ Frigga still had her wand pointed at the creature 'What do you mean my mother? my mother disappeared.' she said with confusion ~Your mother did not disappear foolish girl, your mother is Loki, God of Mischief, prince of Asgard.~ the creature said to her, she lowered her wand a little bit 'So you mean to tell me that my mother is a prince?' she asked with confusion evident in her voice ' I don't mean to be rude, but what are you?' she asked the creature ~I am the Overseer of Death and Mischief.~ 'Noice and what could you tell me about my mother?' she asked ~Why would I tell you when I could show you.~ before Frigga could do anything else a bright light filled with all the colours of the rainbow surrounded her and suddenly she was in front of a huge golden palace.

She saw a figure in the distance which seemed to be coming towards her, but they were masked by the darkness which surrounded them, the figure stopped a little way in front of her and she could see their face, the person in front of her looked like an older male version of her but with green eyes. The Overseer of Death and Mischief flew over to the man and started conversing with him at a speed which Frigga could not keep up with them but she heard her name somewhere in the conversation, the man suddenly looked at her in disbelief, he walked over to her to introduce himself 'I am Loki of Asgard, God of Mischief.' he said, a mischievous smirk formed on Frigga's face and she replied with 'I am Frigga of Earth, Student of Hogwarts.' she giggled slightly when she saw the shocked look on his face. Loki reached out a hand to shake hers but was shocked once more when he was pulled into a hug, he didn't know what to do so he lightly patter her back awkwardly, she pulled away and looked up at the man she now knows as her mother/father, he looked down at her and cleared his throat 'So, would you like a tour of the palace?' he asked her and received a nod in response. He took her all throughout the palace and he even pointed out the place where he turned into a snake to trick Thor and stab him.

Once they had finished the tour they went to the dining hall which was surprisingly empty apart from a few people chatting amongst themselves, they sat at one of the empty tables and were quiet for a good 5 minutes until Frigga spoke up 'Why did you disappear?' she asked him 'I was cursed by a witch whom I pissed off to the point of which she turned me into a woman, but I didn't mind because I am gender fluid and I was a bit tired of being a man for a while. But a few months of being a woman I met your father Severus, and I knew he was still hung up on a girl, so I just let him get over her which was surprisingly quick. We dated for a few months and then I found out that I was pregnant, when I found out I went straight to Severus and told him. He was overjoyed but I was sad because I knew that Odin would come after you, so when you were born, I gave Severus the egg and told him that I would see him again someday and that I loved him, and I love you. He understood after I told him everything and that was the last time, I ever saw him 17 years ago and look at you know you grew up to be a beautiful young woman.' Loki explained, after a moment of silence Frigga spoke up 'Where is Odin anyways? she asked, 'He is in one of his Odin sleeps to get more knowledge or some shit like that.' 'Can I kill him?' she asked nonchalantly, Loki was quiet for a second 'You are my daughter!' he yelled dramatically with his hand flying up to his chest.

Frigga was about to speak when she heard a voice inside her head 'You can't kill him even if he is a bad person, you may be feeling all thing anger towards him for taking your mother from you, but it isn't the right thing to do. Think about the twins, what would they say if they find out that you killed someone.' it was Draco's voice in her head which made her forget about all her plans for murder.

Loki looked at his daughter in shock because he saw the emotional battle with herself in her eyes and marvelled at the fact that she has some self-control unlike him. 'So, I was thinking that since you are already here would you like to spend a few days here so we could get to know each other, and you can ask me any questions that you think of.' Loki suggested 'I can spend a few hours here, but I have to get back home seeing as if I don't show up at home my father will search for me and it will make him worry.' she said and Loki nodded 'Alright but at least let me get you some clothes seeing as that you are in your pjs and I don't want you to be cold.' she nodded and stood up with him.

They walked to Loki's room and as soon as he walked into his room he went straight to his cupboard, he looked around the cupboard and pulled out a big box. He sat on the floor and crossed his legs, he indicated Frigga to do the same and he opened the box 'What is all this?' Frigga asked, 'They are my old clothes from when I was a woman, they should fit you.' He pulled out an outfit which looked exactly like the one he was wearing; he gave it to her and pointed to the bathroom for her to try it on. She walked to the bathroom and locked her door, she looked at herself in the huge mirror and started to change into the clothes she got given. Before she left the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and was surprised to see that she looked like Loki. She left the bathroom to show her father how she looked, when he looked at her, he just sat there speechless.

The door opened and Thor walked in, he stopped in his tracks at which in his eyes looked like tow Loki's. He looked between Frigga and Loki, and he couldn't figure out who the real Loki was until Loki spoke up 'What are you doing here brother?' 'I heard you were seen with a girl around the castle and I came to see if it was true, who is she brother?' he asked 'Thor this is my daughter Frigga, Frigga this is my brother Thor.' he introduced the two of them, Frigga smiled at Thor and sat back ono the floor and looked through the box, she found a small pair of horns and put them on her head 'Loki?' she said to get his attention, his head snapped towards her and he saw her with his old horns, 'Where did you find these?' he asked walking towards her 'I just found them in the box, I can take them off if you don't want me to wear them.' she reached up to her head to take them off but she was stopped by a pair of hands on her wrists 'No don't take them off, you look good in them. I must say that it was a shock to see you in them, it's like looking in a mirror.' Loki said and Frigga smiled. The trio sat in Loki's room, Thor was asking Frigga about Midgard and what it is like, Loki was listening to the pair of them, and he didn't notice that there was someone else in the room until they cleared their throat to grab their attention.

It was Frigg, Thor and Loki's mother 'Thor, Loki who is this?' she asked the pair 'Mother this is my daughter Frigga Eileen Snape, Frigga this is my mother Frigg.' Loki introduced the two just like he did with Thor. Frigga sat up straighter to make herself more presentable 'Nice to meet you your Majesty.' Frigga said, 'No now none of that your majesty stuff you are my granddaughter after all, please came me Frigg.' Frigg said and took the chair from Loki's desk and sat down. Frigg got to know her granddaughter and she loved her, she reminded her of a young Loki, she had to excuse herself to go and check on Odin and she didn't notice Frigga's mood change at the mention of her husband but before she left, she made sure to tell Frigga that she was always welcome to join her for dinner or an outing sometime.

The trio continued to talk until it got lighter outside. Loki excused himself to help Thor with sorting the battle ground for the next day's battle, while they were gone Frigga continued to look through the box of clothes from before and found somethings that she loved, one of the things she found looked like her dads (Not Loki, Severus), she put it on and found that it smelled like her dad, she felt something in the pocket and it was a vial with SS engraved on it. She put the vial back in the pocket and got startled when there was a knock at the door. she went to open the door and it was.....

The Goddess Of Madness and MayhemWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt