Chapter 22

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Eileen was shocked when she found out that she had only been gone for a month, she had told her dad that she was in Middle Earth for 13 months and he was surprised. The two of them decided to look at the objects in the box, Eileen had grabbed the stone that had taken her to Middle Earth with her handkerchief and she placed it on the table, the next object in the box was a small statue of a giant praying mantis, she picked it up with her handkerchief and place it in the table, there was 2 more objects in the box the next one different to the last. As she picked up the objects, she looked at them closely and saw that they looked familiar, she wondered why they looked the way they did, and she decided that she was going to pick one up without covering her hand. 

She picked up one that looked like a yellow flash of lightning, there was a blinding light, and she covered her eyes once again as she was taken somewhere new. She opened her eyes, and she looked around her surroundings and saw that she was in a lab. She saw 5 people standing around a few computers, she looked down at the object in her hands and saw that the colour had faded slightly. She put the lightning object in her pocket and looked at the group of people that by now have noticed her standing there, 'Hi could you tell me where I am please?' she asked, 'You are in Central City, how did you get here.' one of the men asked, 'Oh well I picked up a magical object and poof here I am. Not the first time that this has happened.' she said looking around the lab, before she knew it, she was being tied to a chair by a flash of yellow lightning, 'Woah what was that?' she asked looking towards the group at the computers.

She looked towards where she came in and she saw that one of her rings were on the floor, she untied the rope that was around her and she stood up, she picked up her ring and put it back on. 'Right, I mean you no harm, but I just wanted to check this place out to see why I have these objects, so this has been lovely, but I am going to go.' she said pulling the object out of her pocket, she placed it in her right hand, and she saw that nothing happened, 'For fucks sake, are you kidding me again!' she yelled, which caught the attention from one of the men in the back, 'That supposed to get you home?' he asked, 'Yes it is meant to get me home but I can't fucking work this stupid thing.' she said putting it back in her pocket, 'Who are you guys anyway?' she asked, 'Snart, Leonard Snart or Captain Cold, whichever you want.' Snart said, 'Eileen Snape, nice to meet you.' she said looking towards the others, 'Are you just going to stand there like idiots, I've told you my name now you tell me yours.' she said grabbing a chair and sitting down. 

She got introduced to Barry Allen, Cisco Ramon, Caitlin Snow and Harrison Wells who is also not of this world. She shook everyone's hands, 'So could I leave this place, or do you not want me going out there?' she asked, 'I could take her with me to work, keep an eye on her.' Barry suggested and Cisco nodded his head. Barry led Eileen out of Star Labs, and he took her to the precinct, they walked up the stairs to the CSI department, they hadn't run into anyone that Barry knew yet, but he knew that with his luck they will run into someone he knew. 

Barry opened the door to his office, and he saw Julian sitting at his desk and he cursed inwardly, 'Allen, you're late again.' Julian said getting up, 'And you've brought a friend, why?' he asked looking at Eileen, 'Draco.' she whispered to herself, 'Sorry what was that?' he asked her, 'Nothing, you just look like my brother.' she said, 'Oh well, alright, Allen what's your excuse for being late?' he turned his attention to Barry, 'My friend Eileen came to town and surprised me at my house as I was about to leave and she wanted to see where I work.' he said thinking up a lie and he thought it up quick, Julian nodded not fully believing Barry. 

Julian went back to his desk and looked over case files while Barry went to his desk and sat there looking out the window. Eileen sighed and looked over to Julian, 'So Mr... Albert where are you from?' she asked him, 'England.' he said bluntly, 'As am I.' she said standing up walking towards him, 'Alright.' he said, 'Do you miss it?' she asked, 'Sometimes.' he said. Eileen sighed, figuring that she isn't going to get any more out of him. 

She wandered around the lab, and she was about to pick up one of the beakers to get a closer look when Julian was standing next to her, 'Don't touch.' he said sternly, 'Apologies, I just wated to have a closer look.' she said while rolling her eyes. 'Look with your eyes and not your hands.' he said sitting back at his desk. Eileen looked around the walls and saw a clock, the time was 12:36pm and Eileen walked over to Barry's desk, 'Hey can we get something to eat, I am starving.' she asked him, 'I suppose we could get lunch.' he said standing up and grabbing his jacket, 'You want me to bring you anything Albert?' he asked, Julian shook his head and Eileen and Barry walked out of the lab. 

They had gotten halfway down the stairs when someone shouted Barry's name, 'Hey Joe.' Barry said to the cop, 'Who's this, girlfriend?' Joe asked, 'No she is not from here.' Barry said with a weird tone, 'Oh, right. Well, it's nice to meet you...?' he asked, 'Eileen, Eileen Snape.' she said holding her hand out towards him, 'Detective Joe West, Barry's dad.' he said, shaking her hand, 'It's very nice to meet you sir.' she said. 'You two heading out to lunch?' Joe asked, 'Yeah, want to join us?' Barry asked him, 'Alright let me get my wallet.' he said walking towards his desk. 

The trio headed out to a fast-food restaurant, and they had lunch, 'So Eileen tell me about your life and family.' Joe said, 'I am sort of an only child, I grew up with my dad, my mother left me after I was born. My dad had help raising me, he had my two Aunts and uncles as well as my mum. My best friend is basically my brother, I spent most of my time at his parents' house: my aunt and uncle's growing up. My mum had been missing for 13 years of my life and he returned 4 years ago.' she said, 'Your mum is a man?' Joe asked, 'Yes, I originally called him Uncle Tom, but he was motherlike to me than my actual mother, so I started calling him mum. It was sarcastic at first but now he is the only mum I need.' she said picking up a few fries and eating them. 'Where is your birth mother?' Barry asked, 'I don't know, and I don't care.' she said drinking from her drink. 

Once lunch was over Barry took Eileen back to Star Labs and as they were walking into the cortex, they bumped into someone, it was Leonard, 'Hey Snart.' she said, 'Hi.' he drawled, Barry told Eileen to go and see Cisco and he stayed behind with Leonard. She walked into the room and saw a person who she hadn't met yet, she walked over to Cisco and told him that Barry had told her to go there. 'So, are you human?' he asked, and she shook her head, 'What are you?' he asked, 'I am half god half witch.' she said, 'God? On what side are you a god?' he asked her very interested, 'My birth mother is a God. He's the trickster God Loki.' she said, Cisco nodded, 'Is it normal where you are to be part God?' he asked her, 'Not really, but my boyfriend is the son of the most powerful sorcerer.' she said, Cisco asked her a few more questions, a few were about if she had any abilities and she showed him the animals and other creatures that she could turn into and he was thoroughly impressed  and the other questions were about her family and what education she has gotten. 

She answered all the questions he asked, and she got checked over by Caitlin. She was around to walk around the lab, and she walked into a seemingly empty room, and she saw Harrison. 'Hello Mr Wells.' she said sitting down on a chair a good few feet away from him, 'Miss Snape, what can I do for you?' he asked, 'You're a scientist right?' she asked moving her chair forwards slightly, 'I am yes.' he said not looking up from the device he was working on, 'Well I was wondering if you could see if you could fix the object that brought me here.' she said pulling it out of her pocket. She placed it on her handkerchief and placed it on the desk next to him. 

He looked up from his work to look at the object, he picked it up with the handkerchief and took a closer look, 'I'll see what I can do.' he said putting it back on the desk, 'Thank you Mr Wells.' she said before she left the room. 

Eileen was in Central City for a few weeks, she helped out Barry around the city, using her Animagus forms to scare bad guys. Her and Julian eventually got along, and she liked being around him, even if he was busy with work most of the time. 

It was a slow day in Central City, only one bank robbery and Barry did that one by himself, Eileen was getting restless, she went to find Harrison to see how he is getting along with the object and when she found him, he was almost finished. 'It's almost ready?' she asked excitedly, and he nodded, 'I can see my family again.' she said to herself. 

Once it was finished, he handed it back to her in the handkerchief, the two of them went to see the others to inform them of her leaving, she held the object in her hand after saying goodbye to everyone and there was a flash of light and she was gone. 

She was back where she left on the sofa and Severus walked back into the room holding two cups of tea. 'Go anywhere?' he asked, 'Yeah, America.' she said, and he nodded. He gave her one of the mugs and sat next to her on the sofa, 'Where to next?' he asked. 

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