Chapter 18

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A/N: I am going to write Severus's mum Eileen as Granny, so it doesn't get confusing if there was two Eileens.

The next few days were a blur for Eileen, she was in a boring routine of eating, showering and sleeping, her family tried to talk to her, but they were met with silence. They decided to just give her some time to process everything because they knew what it was like to lose someone.

Severus noticed that Eileen was changing, as in her physical appearance, her hair went from Black and white to black, white and the tiniest bit ginger. He decided not to approach her about it, he left her alone and when she was ready to talk, he would be there.

Eileen didn't get better, Severus decided that he would bring in the one person who could help her, his own mother Eileen Snape. He went to get her form her cottage which she moved into, and he explained the situation to his mother, and she was understanding. The two walked into the house and Granny went straight to Eileens room, she didn't bother knocking, 'Dear, are you awake?' she asked as she walked into a dark room, 'Granny?' Eileen asked, 'It's me dear, Severus told me what happened.' she said as she turned on the light, she looked at her granddaughter and sighed, 'Come on, let's go downstairs and get something to eat, maybe a cup of tea? How does that sound?' she asked, Eileen nodded and got up from her bed.

The two walked down the stairs to the kitchen, Granny put the kettle on, and Eileen sat at the table, Granny leaned against the kitchen counter, 'So tell me what happened.' she said, Eileen told her everything that happened at the Battle of Hogwarts, Eileen showed Granny the letter that Barty had written to her, 'So you are not only Tom's heir but you are now the Lady of the Crouch family?' she asked, 'It appears so.' Eileen said. 'So, a lot has happened since I last saw you, is everyone in the Crouch family dead, or as some still alive?' Granny asked Eileen. 'Well Barty Crouch Sr and Jr have both died as far as I know Barty's mum is also dead after taking her son's place in Azkaban.' Eileen said, 'Do you know what properties the Crouch family owns?' Granny asked, 'No not yet anyway. I am going to Gringotts soon so sort everything out.' she said, Granny turned around and made them both teas, she handed Eileen one of the mugs and she joined her at the table.

Granny and Eileen sat in silence drinking their tea, Severus walked into the room and was happy to see Eileen drinking something, he joined them at the table and took out a book to read. Eileen looked at her dad and smiled, 'Dad?' she asked, 'Yes dear?' he said, 'Could you take me to Gringotts tomorrow? I have Barty's possessions to sort out and few other things.' she asked him, 'I'm sure we could do that, when do you want to go?' he asked, 'Just whenever really.' she said. Eileen and Severus took Granny home and Eileen thanked her dad once they left.

They went home and Eileen went to take a shower and get dressed, she wanted to go out and see Aziraphale, she didn't know when she would get another opportunity to visit him. 'Dad, is it alright if I go and see Aziraphale and Crowley?' she asked him walking down the stairs to the sitting room, when she walked into the sitting room, she saw Bellatrix and Rudolphus, 'You may go as long as Bellatrix and Rudolphus accompany you there.' he said turning away from the two to look at his daughter. Eileen nodded and the trio walked out of the house, she held on to Bellatrix's hand and she knew that Rudolphus didn't really like people touching him, so she didn't take his hand.

They walked to Aziraphale's shop instead of apparating, when they got there, she noticed that the door was slightly ajar, she pushed the door open, and she saw Aziraphale picking up books, 'Aziraphale what happened?' she asked, letting go of Bellatrix's hand and walking over to Aziraphale to help him, 'Just really bad Angels that don't really like me.' he said taking the books that Eileen had in her hands.

Once the books were all cleaned up Aziraphale led the trio to the sofa and armchairs in the back of his shop, 'So what brings you by my shop?' Aziraphale asked Eileen, 'I just wanted to get out of my house for a little while.' she said, 'And who are these two with you?' he asked, 'Oh this is my Godmother Bellatrix and her husband Rudolphus.' Eileen said, 'It is very nice to meet you.' Aziraphale said standing up, holding his hand out to the two for them to shake. Bellatrix and Rudolphus shook his hand, and they got up to wander around the shop, 'What has happened since the last time I saw you?' he asked, 'Well I got a boyfriend, there was a battle at Hogwarts and my friend died.' she said to him, 'How did your friend die, if you don't mind my asking?' he asked, 'Well he had a glamour on that made him look like my mum and the person that killed him got a broken nose and arm from me but I don't know what I would've done if I didn't get pulled away.' she said. The two talked a while longer until Bellatrix told her that she has to come home. She said goodbye to Aziraphale, and the trio left.

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