Chapter 20

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Eileen went back to her dad's house after a few more days at the manor and Khonshu went back to his home, Eileen and her dad spent her first day back looking through Barty's clothes and knick knacks that he had left at Toms. Eileen was looking through a box that Tom had labelled "Stuff for Eileen" and in the box she had found some cologne, she took the lid off and smelt it and it smelled exactly like Barty, her eyes began to water, but they soon stopped after she took a deep breath and told herself that she didn't want to cry, she looked through more stuff in the box and found a few more jumpers and band t-shirts, she smiled at them and folded them next to her deciding to keep them. At the bottom of the box there were a few photo albums, she picked all of them up and sat back on the sofa and she began to look through them. 

The first album had pictures of Barty and Regulus, she smiled at young Barty and she noticed as she flicked through more of the pages that her dad had shown up in the background of the pictures. She saw one of her dad and Barty and she took it out of the slot it was in, and she went to find her dad. She found him looking through a box of Barty's books and clothes, 'Hey look what I found.' she said holding the photo out to him, 'Oh I remember this.' he said when he looked at the photo, 'I was 16 and he was 15, I had just gotten my OWL results.' Severus said holding the photo in his hands with a slight smile on his face. Severus handed the photo back and went back to looking through the box, Eileen walked back to her room and looked through the other photo albums after putting the photo in it proper place. 

The next album had photos of her through the years, she looked at the first page to see if there was writing on it and there was: 


You have been a good friend of mine and I hope you can do the same for my daughter, her name is Frigga Eileen Snape. She is 5 years old at the time of me writing this and I want you to get to know her when she is older, she reminds me of a younger you, she loves books and learning new things. I want you to give her this when she is 20 years old, if I am no longer here. 


Eileen looked through the book and as she got near the end, she saw pictures of her and Barty, one of them dancing at the Christmas ball in Malfoy manor and she saw them sitting on the bench in the hidden garden, she wondered how there was a photo from then, but she figured that Barty must've had a camera on him or something. There were more photos of her and Barty, a few of her and Draco and some with the Twins. At the very end there was a photo of her and Khonshu. She felt a tear slide down her cheek and she smiled, she put the photo album down and she picked up the last one, she opened it at a random page, and she saw Tom, she looked through the entire book and saw Tom's age progression, she laughed at a few of the pictures, and she stopped on one of the pages, she looked at one of the photographs and noticed that it wasn't moving like all the others, she saw a young woman around late teens smiling at the camera, she noticed a few similarities between the woman and Tom, "This must be his mother" she thought to herself. 

She put the albums away once she looked at all of them and she saw that there was a box at the very bottom of the box, she picked up the box and it was made of wood. She noticed that it had a weirdly shaped keyhole on the front of it and she placed the box next to herself on the sofa and she got up to see if there was a key in any of the other boxes. She must've looked through all the boxes twice, but she couldn't find a key of any sorts. she walked out of the room to see her dad and she found him sitting on the floor folding clothes, 'Hey I found a box and I can't find a key for it.' she said, 'Try one of the rings he left you, you never know could be one of them.' he said not looking up from the jeans he was folding. 

Eileen walked back to the room she was in, and she took off her chain with the heir ring, she placed the ring on the keyhole, but nothing happened, she took off the Lady ring and it was a perfect fit. The box clicked open, and Eileen gently lifted the lid, in the box there were foreign objects, she picked one up and it shone brightly, she covered her eyes with her free hand, once the bright light disappeared, she moved her hand away from her eyes and saw that she was no longer in her house, she was sitting in a field , she was still holding the object in her hand, the object was a round white stone, and she looked down and saw that she was wearing completely different clothing. She was wearing a poofy sleeved blouse and a red corset like top over the blouse and she was wearing a green shin length skirt

The Goddess Of Madness and MayhemOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora