Chapter 17

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Once dinner was over Leon asked Eileen if she wanted to stay for coffee or cake, she politely declined and Khonshu walked her to the door once she said her goodbyes. 'So, I will see you next week on the train?' she asked him while putting on her cloak, 'Yes you will.' he said before opening the front door, 'Bye Khonshu.' Eileen said before apparating back to Tom's house. When she walked into the house, she noticed that it was unusually quiet, she walked to the sitting room and saw her dad asleep on the couch, she walked over to him making sure she didn't wake him up, she placed a blanket over him and walked up the stairs to her room. 

Over the next two weeks, Eileen was doing really well at school so Severus and Tom decided that they would let her take the NEWTs early as long as she promised to keep up the good work. Eileen walked to Dumbledore's office and knocked on the door, the door opened, and Harry Potter walked out 'Potter.' she said to him before she walked into the room 'Snape' he said back to her walking away. 

'Miss Snape, what can I do for you, we don't have a meeting do we?' he asked her, 'No sir we don't have a meeting, I was wondering if I could talk to you about possibly taking my NEWTs early.' she said going to sit in a chair opposite him, 'But you're only half way through 6th year, why do you want to take the NEWTs early?' he asked moving forwards in his chair. 'Well from before I came to Hogwarts I had tutoring from my dad and he taught me basic skills in transfiguration, potions, DADA and Astrology, and I learnt about Muggles by being out in the muggle world, playing with muggle children who were my age at parks and going to muggle shops. I feel like I can take them now sir and I just wanted to ask if it was a possibility.' she said, 'Alright, well I can't very well ask if you have spoken to your head of house because you already have, I'm guessing. I can tell you that you can go ahead with it, but you might also need to talk with the ministry about it as well, explain to them after wards that you are no longer in education, etc. Might I ask what you are planning to do if you pass and leave Hogwarts?' he asked. 

'I am going to find a job in the muggle world and if that doesn't work out, I will find a job in the wizarding world.' she told him, 'What are you wanting to do in the muggle world if you don't mind my asking?' he asked her, 'Well Professor, during Yule I was walking through a muggle village and I saw a shop which sold crystals, jewellery and things muggles think have power to heal them and what not and I figured I would see if I could work there but if not I'm sure there are other places like that.' she said looking down at her hands, she noticed the scar that was there from when she had detention with Umbridge. 'Miss Snape that isn't a very well thought out plan you have; you need to know what it is you want to do before you do it.' he told her. 

'I know Professor, but frankly I don't want to plan out my life every step of the way, I want to be spontaneous, take life as it comes.' she said, 'But what if the people in your life think differently, what if your partner wants to settle down and have a family, will you do that or will that relationship turn sour?' he asked her, 'Professor I don't know what I want to do, I know that I do want to have a family but that's not the things I am thinking about right now.' she said standing up, 'Miss Snape I am only telling you the truth, you need to have a plan for after school, you can't jump into something not knowing if it will work out.' Dumbledore said also standing up. Eileen walked out of Dumbledore's office and went to the black lake. 

The next school year went by as you would expect, Eileen was spending her time studying and hanging out with her boyfriend and her friends. She never followed up with Dumbledore about her NEWTs, she decided not to go through with it, she didn't want to leave Draco too early. It was a sad day when the twins left Hogwarts, but Eileen was happy for them, they had gotten their shop and they were happy.

~May 2nd 1998: 3am~ 

Eileen and her dad were a Hogwarts, it was night so the two were looking over at the bridge waiting for her family and her mum's followers to show up. Then they saw it a huge army with Voldemort at the front, Eileen watched Voldemort's followers shoot spells at the dome, and then Voldemort shot the final spell bringing the dome down. Everyone ran around the school yelling and his followers lay siege on the castle. Trolls breaking the stone guards, the castle being destroyed by Death eaters, it was glorious Eileen thought. Eileen went to go and join the Death eaters in the entry way, but her dad stopped her, 'You are not going down there.' he told her, 'Why not?' she asked her dad, 'Because I cannot lose you, you are my daughter and I love you Eileen, I will not live in a world where you aren't alive.' he said, 'Dad please Draco is down there along with Fred and George, I will not lose them, like you they are my family too and mum is down there.' she said. 

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