Chapter 62

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Today's night was actually nice unlike any other ones that I experienced. Today I finally felt myself... Calm.

Finally there wasn't nightmares about my past that were torturing me every night when I just close my eyes. Finally I... Didn't see Chara's dead body and my hands covered in her blood as soon as I tried to sleep.

Unintentionally I smiled in my own dream. I didn't even had any dream at all that night, but that was more than enough for me to be in peace.

Nightmares finally stopped chasing me over and over and perhaps this is because... I just found a new hope?

Sudden loud noise of something falling over under our room woke me up and I looked our room around in case something just crashed. Maybe Boogie accidentally touched something while he was sleeping? But everything was on it's place meanwhile strange noises were repeating somewhere under our room slowly creeping me out while realization was slowly coming to my mind.

We're not alone.

Chara opened her eyes as well and looked at me with quiestionable, but still very sleepy eyes while I just answered to her with rising caution in my stare. I didn't have to speak any single word for her to understand that this noise is definitely not something I was expecting myself.

Boogie woke up as well, but as soon as he opened his mouth to shout at us in frustration, I quickly gestured him to shut up with my index finger meanwhile he just stared at me confused. After a few seconds he closed his mouth in realization while horror began to fill his eyes.

After some time noises of complete chaos under us suddenly stopped and Chara nearly stopped breathing just to not get heard by this someone meanwhile I wasn't just as panicked, but I didn't dare to get up. But there was something much more horrifying than the fact that we were not alone: lights suddenly went off in the hallway.

- Where did the lights go? - I whispered quietly with caution while tried to activate lights in, at least, our room, but even when I flickered the switch - there weren't any.

- I don't know, - she whispered in response with some fear and panic in her voice, - Main generator was in the basement. That's how I turned the lights on.

- You, go and check it! - suddenly Boogie interrupted both of us by his annoyed hissing to me.

- Why me..?

- Hell, who else is freacking Doomsday's device here? Definately not me.

- I'm not...! - I tried to argue, but then realized that this is completely pointless, so just sighed and accepted my fate, - Okay-okay, fine. I'll go in... Fucking dark basement with creepy noises coming out of it. What a great idea...

- I'll go with you, - suddenly Chara said while I almost left the room, so I looked at her with some surprise. Surprisingly quickly she already managed put on some clothes and was ready to go.

- Aren't you afraid of the dark?

- I am, - she nervously looked away, but then turned her head back to me and tried to smile, - But we need to beat our fears someday, right?

I felt some confusion because of her sudden brave attitude... Or at least what she tried to look like even though I could see in her eyes how greatly she didn't want to go down there. So this bravery most likely appeared not just because of her will to "overcome fear".

- Well then, - I smiled, - Let's go.

- Hey! - Boogie hissed at us when he noticed both of us leaving without him. He was ready to shout, but he still whispered just to not get too much attention, - Don't leave me here!

Fallen Determination (Optional Chara x Reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat