Chapter 7: Ancient Magic

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- MY CHILD! - sudden feminine voice behind me scared me and Chara as well, so we decided to quickly interrupt our emotional hug with embarassment.

- Y-yes mom? - Chara asked while I looked at the new monster that just decided to visit us. We were both unready for her to show up so quickly... And loud.

I examined new monster and she was looking just like Asriel who stood right behind her, but unlike Asriel she was wearing some heavy armor and had two horns on head. I suppose Asriel is too young to have these ones.

Obviously, that was their mom. But I expected for her to show up in some... Well, more suiting clothes than literal armor. She just came back from the battle or what?

- OH DEAR! Asriel told me everything! - she exclaimed in frustration and run up to Chara to investigate her. Looks like she didn't even mentioned "newcomer" - me. Ah, right, who cares about me, - Are you hurt? Are you okay? I'll make sure Asriel won't touch any of his "riddles" for MONTH!

She exclaimed and looked at Asriel with pure anger.

- Moooooom!

- Don't "mom" me, mister! From now on you're punished!

- Mom, I think, you're too cruel, - Chara said while her mom was still examining her as hard as she possibly can, - I'm fine, just lost consciousness for a while. That's it!

- "JUST LOST CONSCIOUSNESS"?! - mom was surely pissed of by these words, - Do you know how electricity can harm you?! It's not a toy!

- I know, I know! - shouted Chara and pushed away her mom's hands, - Stop that already!

- Don't shout at me! - mom "peacefully" answered, but then suddenly went silent, - Wait... My dear, why do you have red eyes?

- Ummm... - Chara got a bit confused after that and were trying her best to find an excuse, - I smoked weed..?



- N-no! - Chara exclaimed in little panic.

- WHO OFFENDED YOU?! WAS THAT THIS MISTER?! - she shouted in even bigger frusrtation and looked at me... Ah shit, here we go again

She brutally grabbed me by the collar and lifted up in the air with ease.

- MOM, WAIT! - Chara panicked even more. Looks like now this girl didn't want me dead so badly.


- WOAH! U-um, listen, miss... Miss... - I tried to calm mother down, but just realised that I don't even know her name. After my terrible attempts to say something she rolled her eyes in annoyance.

- Toriel.

- Oh right! Miss Toriel, listen, I just tried to calm down your daughter and watch over her... That's all!


- What? - Toriel's pure anger quickly switched to surprised expression.

- He saved me from Asriel's trap and...

- That's a riddle! - Asriel interrupted.

- WHATEVER! - Chara exclaimed and then continued, - He talked with me and helped me to speak out about my past... And things like that.

- Oh... - realisation hitted Toriel harder than a truck filled with bricks... No, two trucks.

- Yeah, so can you put me down please? - I tried to "wake her up" with soft voice and after that she immediately looked at me with wide-opened eyes.

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